
Is he just not that into me?

by  |  earlier

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we took a break from our year relationship because we kept arguing. we are talking to get back together, but around the end of our relationship i would want to plan things...and whenever i would say do you want to go out on this day, he would act like he didnt know yet because of what him and his 'friends' may plan to do. he would usually do this on a saturday, after we've already hung out on friday.

why does he do this????




  1. You've already answered your own question. If he has to wait to see if his friends have plans before making plans with you, you are obviously #2 on his scale of importance. Since you're on a 'break' I would suggest you use the time to widen your others, you may find out that he's not really worth getting back together with, and may actually find someone who would jump at the chance to spend time with you rather than making plans with you because his friends haven't. Good Luck!

  2. Because he's not that into you, otherwise he would put you first before his friends.

  3. he just doesnt want to be with you 24/7

  4. Its either an excuse or he really just wants to hang with friends... You should be able to read whether he is making an excuse or not if he is then I wouldn't consider getting back.

    Hope it all works out

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