
Is he just playing with me or is it for real.?

by  |  earlier

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I just went into Year 8 and i known this boy for a year.Throughout the years he's been like hugging me and putting his arms round me.But he also hugs other girls if the girls want to or he goes hugs his girl mates.When ever he sees me he is always like."oh your so s**y blah blah blah".And im not sure is he is just playing round or for real. I also recently said to me i fancy you in one of my classes and after the end of the lesson he came up to me and gave me like this flirty touch and again i wasnt sure if he was playing with me or was real. I'm really not sure what to do.please help me.





  1. well, um i get wat your saying.

    but guys will say that they think girls are like hot or s**y but

    that doesnt always mean they really like you in any way more than a friend.

    but im sure he realy does think you are "s**y", if he says it.



  2. He is a playah, he wants ALL the grrls.

  3. ask him he probably is,

    answer mine please :);...

  4. i'd say he's just keeping his options open with girls, or he just likes attention and giving attention to girls in general (which is the definition of a young boy)  basically he's probably a friendly little player. but who knows? give him some attention back, see what happens. you'll know when he starts getting into you for real.

  5. sounds like hes playing, dont waste your time

  6. Jesus!!! I feel u should check this guy out with some friends of urs...if he is really too flirty u have to ditch him for long run..

  7. Yeah he's just messing around... and it's spelt immature first poster.

  8. he's a player.

    players aren't good news.

    they make good friends,

    and nothing more.


  9. Hm, you really don't know untill you ask him.

    To me it seems like he might be into you.

    But don't let yourself stress over this and wonder.

    I know it takes a lot of courage to go up to someone and ask if they like you but you have to do it instead of wondering.

    You never know it could be worth it.

    because if he does like you something will happen between you two.


    good luck.

  10. dont get to overwhelmed just yet. This has happened to me before and its always just playin. He's imature and he wants to play with your heart. But try not to think of it as real because you will get heatbroken.

    hope this helps alot :)

  11. Maybe you should confront him instead of second guessing yourself.

  12. Playing Around! He's still in-mature

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