
Is he just trying to take my virginity or is he being really nice?

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im a virgin (and i plan on keepin it that way) and im a freshman in college. there is this guy that i met and we hit it off real nice. so nice he was spendin the night in my dorm but we didnt do anything but kiss. and he chatted a lil and i told him my views on s*x how im not losin it no time soon until i can find someone i trust and love. and he agreed and was like yea i dont wanna ef some some random girl either and im cool wit waitin i want u to trust me (no mention of a relationship) so i was like ok . so we made out a little more and basically dry humped. so he came over my room for the next 4 nights in a row. and i would always tell him the same thing makin sure he understands we ARE NOT gonna do it. So one day i see his cell phone and i look in his outbox and its all these messages sayin that o he doesnt wanna waste sleep just to be teased (but he came over the nite he sent it) and "i want a girl up front" (but he so called didnt wanna do any random girl)

and the day i found out i was very sketch with him. not talkin alot. stuff like that. then he starts actin all nice to me.

and he would also give me the "o its nature" "ur so wet ur body is saying u want it but ur denyin urself" "when u get older and look back on this you wont regret what u did do but what u didnt do" so when i get mad he goes im playin im playin. so if he wants to have s*x with a girl so bad why keep messin wit me cuz i made it clear he isnt gettin NONE. im not beggin him to come to my room. he ASKS

10 hours ago

his friends mess with my roomate. and they all came to school together and so far all of them have been laid (on the bottom bunk as we makeout on the top bunk lol ) so is he tryin to put up a front wit his boys sayin he want this and that but really he is tryin to wait??

last extra detail lol he is muslim. and im baptist. i wouldnt ask him to eat pork so why ask me to break my religion and have s*x hmmm




  1. i think he does want to do it with you but i meant that's normal...i think he would wait a little longer and wouldn't be pressuring you if he wasn't getting **** from his friends. you know how guys are, they probably ask him every day if he's done you yet.

    but if he starts to get really annoying, i would suggest cutting the whole thing off because you don't wanna wind up feeling stupid.

    also, i think even if he does only want s*x, he feels like you're a challenge and likes the chase. which can be good or it can be bad if he gets fed up and tries to force it.  

  2. I think that he is enjoying the chase. He is dealing with you as if you were an animal that he is stalking. He is using his wits to get you to give in. After you do so, he will move on to somre other victim.

    I think that what you are doing is dangerous. You should give him the cold shoulder next time he tries to get into your room. Your room-mate is doing you no favours by encouraging his mates.

    Ask for a move. It sounds as though you are living above a brothel. Has she no respect for herself?

  3. He is horny.

  4. He's not being nice and yes he's trying to get in your pants, well sounds like he's already been there, but yes he's trying to take your v-card.  You don't know this guy enough for him to care about you, so while he might be a nice guy, right now he just sees you as a challenge.  It's good you can keep a cool head when you're in the middle of fooling around, but for how much longer?  You probably need to stay out of these tempting situations altogether, especially when it's with someone who's trying very hard to talk you into something you don't want.  

    Also, it sounds like you value relationships, so if you like this guy, bring it up and ask him if he'd want to go out sometime.  Get to know him outside of your dorm room!  If that's the only time he wants you, find someone who isn't going to be so concerned about your virginity status.

  5.   If he is being true to his belief's also then he needs to wait for marrage.  It sounds more like the pressure of his hormones is getting to him and he just wants to get laid. On the other hand he wants to be with ou, and the two are in conflict, with his upbringings, which loses in most cases. He wants you now, but will wait, sounds like he if young but may be worth working with. My wife took to hand jobs before she meet me to keep from haveing s*x, and still get the guy off, sort of meeting half way, just keep a rag around. that would be up to you but it would keep your pants on and see if he comes back, if not, my wife say's over half never did, then they only wnated one thing, and you did not give it right. if so maybe it can go from there. Good luck.  

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