
Is he looking for an affair??

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If a married man does the following:

Stares at a woman every time she walks by or is standing across the room

Stares at her and flirts in front of his own wife and the woman’s husband

Talks to the woman with a huge smile and eyes glued to hers

Acts nervous around the woman or if they run into each other unexpectedly

Checks out the woman’s body and lets her see it – jokes with her and says he loves to “tease” her

Watches the woman’s every move even if they’re both talking to different groups in the same room, and holds her gaze whenever he can

Always touches her arm or shoulders while talking/has pressed his body against hers when there was plenty of room, touched his hand and arm to hers and left it there, without moving it (when he’s not touchy with anyone else)

Always starts conversations to see “how she’s doing”

Complains about the wife’s behavior to the woman

Compliments the woman on her character – she is so sweet, innocent, nice, together, calm, collected

Compliments the woman’s work performance more than anyone else’s; always gives her requests immediate attention, even when really busy (what she asks for always comes first)

Is extra careful to explain his absence from one of her get-togethers and apologizes profusely (when no one else in his - much higher - position bothered to do so)

Always tells her about his fatherly duties and tries to show her what a good father he is, but always expresses disappointment in his wife

If you saw your own husband behaving this way, would you say that he was looking for an affair or had feelings for the woman?




  1. Are you STILL asking this question? Maybe if you spent less time asking this question on the internet & more time paying attention to your husband, he wouldn't be chasing after other women & having affairs with them - YES, he's already having an affair with her, not just looking for one... because you have no time for him!

  2. Pay attention this time, he is looking for an affair with her and if I were the wife of a man that did that, he would either stop it or I would go to her and ask her to stop it. If that didn't work then I would stop it! How? he would find his clothes on the fount lawn and the keys to the house would Be changed. If you noticed it, how many others have noticed it? If he doesn't have feeling for her , he wouldn't do not even one of the things you listed. he would stop it....

  3. You already know the answer to that one. It sounds like he is very attracted to her. There are too many good men in the world to be mistreated by one. Walk it out girl, I wouldn't leave him with the seam in his underwear.

  4. Talk to him about all of this because it certainly looks bad.  Not only is he acting like a pig, but he is disrespecting you and your kids by acting this way.  It is unacceptable and you DO NOT need to put up with it.  stand up for yourself and realize that if he doesn't change what will you do next.  I would also look at the intimacy in your relationship.  Maybe he is feeling lonely in the relationship and looking for another woman's approval or pat on the back.  COMMUNICATE with him, and you'll find out a lot.

  5. h**l yes, based on all that Id say he is desperately trying to start an affair, but it also seems like shes not interested in his sorry ***. Or at least hopefully shes not interested in his sorry a$$.  

  6. I'd say that he is already fooling around with this person.  If this person is YOU then I'd say that he is wanting to.

  7. Based on this, it sounds as though he has feelins for this other woman.  Sorry.

  8. It's quite obvious that he has feelings for this woman. About having an affair, though? That's a HUGE step. However, he doesn't seem to far from possibly taking that step. The only thing that may stop him is the thought of his children.

  9. Yes i can,without a doubt he is. Enough said.

  10. I already answered this question a few days ago.

  11. If i really had to answer this one i would not say YES OR NO. I would just say he is not 100% happy in the relationship and might be trying to get affection from others. I mean i am not sure of your marriage and the problems that it may have but the best thing for the "wife" to do is go to the husband and talk to him about the way he behaving.

    Attacking him will not solve any thing but just get alone with him and talk one on one. Chances are he may not confess to every thing that he might have done but if you can get him to admit there is a problem then you are in good shape because if he admits there is a problem then you can take it to the next step. You can work on solving the issue the husband and the marriage may be having,

    I am pretty sure once you find and solve the issue, which is more then likely he that he is not getting enough "affection".

    So the best thing the wife can do is talk to her husband.

    I hoped i helped some.

    Good Luck,


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