
Is he my husband? Shall i do something about it?

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I've had a dream when i was 14 dressed in a wedding dress and running towards this guy who's standing next to his best man. 4 years later i met this guy and i started to have a sense of deja vu with him and strong familiarity going on everytime i was with him. I pretty much got scared because somehow this guy looked like the one i saw in my dream and so is his best friend. I completely rejected the guy who continuously kept on asking to hang out. Its been a yr since i met him and he has a gf now, but oddly he still likes me as much as he did before. Should i do something about it? Why did i have all this with him?




  1. Thats a bit weird...but it cant hurt to get to know the guy and be friends...and it might lead somewhere interesting.  

  2. you need to go for it without delay and explore the relationship with him.

    you need to tell him you made a mistake by not exploring the relationship sooner with him before he had a new girlfriend.

    sometimes things are meant to be but people don't "grasp the opportunity" when it's presented to them and they LOSE OUT on it.  

    don't do that or let that happen.

    it is not too late.

    you are an equal partner in your destiny and should take charge of it and grasp opportunities as they are presented in your life.

    i am not too concerned about his having a current girlfriend.  they are not married and he's and adult able to make his own decisions on who he wants to spend his life with.

    let him make an educated decision.

    so talk to him about it.  leave out the dream details some guys just don't understand that stuff.  you can tell him later after you're into a more serious relationship with him.

    if he turns you down it doesn't necessarily mean he's not the man in your dream.  it could also mean that he didn't grasp his opportunity.

    for God's plan, for fate to happen, for destiny, i like to say "it takes three to tango"

    for both parties to accept their fate or destiny otherwise they create a different version of it.  those are the older people that say they regret not doing something in their life.  most older people do not regret doing something, but regret something they didn't do!

    Besides knowing who the person is that you have in your dreams and how to grasp those opportunties, I hope you will know early on in a relationship if they are not the one.  When you get "red flags" which are warning signs abuot the person after knowing more about them, when they don't reciprocate their love for you, when they are not as happy to see you as you are to see them, then they are not the one.

    I wish you the best of luck and hope you find that man in your dreams.  If it's not him then may you find out who it really is.

  3. well if he has a gf then you should be careful in what you decide. don't be the girl on the side, if he really likes you then he should be single and trying to be with you. You should hang out with him more and maybe your scared feelings will go away and it was meant to be.

  4. You wouldn't want someone going after him if he was your boyfriend...Put yourself in someone elses shoes, this could be happening to you and you wouldnt like it.

  5. wait until he's not involved and see if he still wants to date .. can't hurt to try ... if you pass him buy you never know you might never  find love :)

  6. You never know he might be the man of your dreams! Why did you reject him? Purely because of the relation to your dream? How do you feel about him? If he is in a relationship, there is nothing you can do right now. Perhaps become his friend for the moment, if he and his girlfriend break up then think about a relationship.

  7. I don't know. It may be just a coincidence. if he has a girlfriend, don't do anything. And don't ignore the guys who like you and are nice to you.....they could be a special part of your life that you would never know if you passed them up while waiting for this guy.

  8. are you legally married to him?  no?  then he's not your husband.

    your question is weird.  you rejected him, now he has a girlfriend.  move on.  he did.

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