
Is he not interested or he lying?

by Guest60852  |  earlier

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was wondering if he's not interested then why did he react the way he did when I kissed him?

two years ago I kissed him on the cheek and he blushed beet red, his blue eyes turned black and he had a huge smile on his face. A week after that we hugged and I turned to look at him and he turned and all I could see was his lips. He was so close to my lips I could have easily touched it! I got scared and froze and after several seconds he jerked his head away moaning. THat night I felt bad and called him up and said I didn't mean to kiss him(I said that out of nervousneess and that's a lie by the way) and he said he doesn't like kisses.

When I kissed him he was leaving for something and now he's back




  1. Wow how romantic =)

    Well I think that either he is scared to be committed....

    or maybe h doesnt want things to change.

    Whatever happened communicaton helos everything and thats the best thing to do. Just talk to him in person. Ask him what is going on and how the kiss made him feel.Be as understanding as possible!!! Look him right in the eyes when you talk so you can see his expression. Watch his body language make sure he is as comfertable as possible =) I hope this helps!! GOOD LUCK!!!!!

  2. he probably just told you that he doesn't like kisses cause you told him you didn't mean it. men are also human. they're also afraid of rejection. he might have thought that what you said meant you are not interested in him.

  3. Not trying to be funny, but did you pop in a mint before you kissed him?

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