
Is he scared to be a father?

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There have been a couple of "close calls" where I really thought I was pregnant. If I ever mention to my boyfriend that I think I might be he gets mad. We have been dating for 4 years and he says he wants children. He is very good around kids, but says he doesn't think he is ready. He is 26 years old....when will he be ready?




  1. Are yous married? maybe he wants to wait until yous are married and settled before having kids. Lots of men are scared of commitment and pushing them into anything or bargering for explanatations just seems to push them further away.....annoying i kno!  

  2. men in general are afraid of commitment because they think that once you have a the romance is over, the woman will let go of herself, physically, and get fat and ugly. Also he may not be ready to take care of the baby its a big responbilty he has to suport you both fiancially aslo its big thing being a farther it isent easy job like his privlages like hanging with his budies his friends drinking and going out compleatly change if hes not ready wait you dont want a guy who isent ready to take you and baby on think you want a guy whos going to be a father and want to be a father and will be ready to take care of you both  

  3. okay "close calls" do you want to get pregnant or what? Use protection! His reactions should consider both of you to use protection. & OMG he is 26 with this attitude i thought he was a teenager. I would leave him.

  4. o.k.- so there is 26 and there's 26.  Does he live with you?  On his own?  Or at home, still? If he still lives at home- DON'T have kids with him.   Besides- don't you want to be married first?  Or am I old fashioned or something/

  5. Tell him to keep it zipped and you quit playing russian roulette with sperm.  He'll be ready when he says he's ready and not before.

  6. When he tells you he is.  Right now he doesn't want children.  He may be scared, or he may be lying to you about wanting them.  

  7. Tell him to put something on the end of it if he doesnt want kids!

    And dont worry he will be ready some time, u neva kno it could jus b the shcok of thinking he is gonna b a father, takes some time gettin used to it.

  8. The only person who knows when he'll be ready is HIM.

    Yes, he may want children eventually, but it doesn't mean he wants to have them NOW.  Also what you haven't told us is are you ready to be a mother?  If you're missing birth control pills and yet still having unprotected s*x, I would guess your answer is yes.

    However if your boyfriend isn't ready to commit to being a husband yet, don't be surprised if he's not ready to be a father either.  Instead of rushing him, ask him when he might be ready.  If you feel you need kids NOW, then you need to decide if you want to wait on him or move on to someone else.

  9. He is obviously not ready.  There can be many reasons for that....he may want to be more financially stable, maybe he wants to wait until he is older, but the best one is maybe he wants to wait until he is married.  Don't pressure him...when he's ready he will let you know.

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