
Is he/she just bad or does he really have ADHD?

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How do you feel about ADHD medication? Do you think that ADHD really exist or do you think it was because someone didn't get enough attention or discipline? If ADHD does exist, do you think there is a natural was to help this disorder or do you think that people should be medicated with stimulants? If you have ADHD, and you take medication normally prescribed for ADHD, how can you tell it works. Do you build up a tolerance to the medication. When do you stop taking the medicine.




  1. MY brother has ADHD and it really is a problem it is not because he got lack of attention. ADHA is a attention disorder yes but not from not getting enough attention it means they have a hard time keeping their attention on something for very long before their mind wants to move on to the next thing. He does take meds on reg basis and it helps but does not solve the problem , it just helps a little to keep his mind on track. I do believe you can build up a tollerance which is why their are different meds.  

  2. My younger brothers both were diagnosed with ADHD. They were so horrible, my mother cried evey morning trying to get them ready for school. They were really bad in school and constantly interupted class and the teachers would call home. Both my mother and fathers side have kids with the same problems. My mom took the kids to the doctors and started them on meds. It was such a HUGE difference. I couldnt even explain it was day and night. My parents didn't believe in meds at all but now they just had to come to terms with it. Talk to your childs doctor and explain your concerns. Children losing weight/not gaining weight and trouble sleeping is a normal side effect so be prepared for that.

  3. Yes, ADHD really does exist but in too many cases it is used as an excuse for bad behavior by the person who has it and their parents, etc. My son has ADHD and is a good kid, always has been. He just has an abundance of energy and can't concentrate or keep things organized. He has been on Adderall for 4 years (he's 17) and it has worked wonders. He is now a straight A student. Personally I think some of the poor behavior is a result of people not understanding the disorder and expecting the child to be bad mannered and treating him as though he has something wrong with him. There are a lot of natural remedies that people try but I never found one that worked for my son. He does not take his medication in the summer, only when school is in session. They say that some people can grow out if it and summer gives him a chance to see if he still needs it. You do not build up a tolerance but the disorder can change with time and may need adjustments to the meds. If someone really has ADHD the meds will make him/her sleepy which shows that there is an imbalance in the brain because the meds are amphetamines which make any normal person more alert not sleepy.

  4. My little brother has really bad ADHD, and he is on medication. Without it, he's really bad and people stare and make fun of him. So I think medication for ADHD is great.

    I know that ADHD exists, it's an actual disorder, not a result of bad parenting.

    I'm really not sure if there's a natural way to help it, but if there is, nobody seems to know about it. I think that for now, if it's interfering with a person's normal life, they should ask a doctor for some medication for it.

    When you take medication for ADHD, there is a very noticable difference: The person won't be as hyper, they'll probably be quieter and more aware of people and what they think.

    Yes, I think you do build up tolerance.

    And you should ask a doctor if and when you should stop taking it.  

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