
Is he trying to impress the other woman??

by Guest58156  |  earlier

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A married man constantly flirts with a woman at work, acting infatuated – he stares at her, acts embarrassed when she catches him, acts nervous when she’s around (even though he’s outgoing), compliments her, touches her arm or shoulder when teasing her (which he said he “loves” to do), keeps shooting her suggestive glances even when he’s out with his wife (and right in front of her), starts conversations with the woman even when she’s just walking by his office,etc.

Then his wife shows up with their baby one afternoon –he’s holding his child, kissing him and staring at the woman over his wife’s shoulder. Then everyone goes to play with the baby in his office except for the woman – she walks by, he stops paying attention to the baby, looks at her, and smiles trying to say hi.

Another day, he was leaving early and started giving her all kinds of details saying he had to go home and watch his child, looked disappointed that his wife had to work and he had to leave, and gave the woman a lot of details she never asked for (like his parents usually watch him but he didn’t want to ask, etc. ) - and he’s in a much higher position than the woman.

Then, she had invited the whole office to a party and he wrote back to apologize profusely and say he couldn’t make it b/c he had “Mr. Mom” duties after work that night… whereas the other people in his position in the office never even replied to the invitation (it is corporate America after all – ranking is huge!). The woman is also pregnant right now.

What is he doing? What is he trying to show her?




  1. I think he is trying to get laid.

  2. Maybe the woman is pregnant with his baby??? Or otherwise he's just a sleaze.

  3. i totally agree with 'lostmama'.....

    and to add, if this other woman intends to keep her job, then it would be in her best interest to keep as far away as possible from that sleaze ball.............

    fathers like him dont deserve the 'daddy' title.......

  4. That he's slime. Is she even interested? Any self-respecting woman wouldn't even give him a second glance. Does the wife know about his? She (the wife) deserves better.

    BTW, what's "playing" Mr. Mom? Dad's don't "babysit" their own children. Therefore, bragging about it is moot.

  5. I agree with JP. By the way, anyone who would treat their wife like dirt in order to flirt right in front of her has no character. I would run ASAP, if he does this to his wife then it's a pattern. He's a cheater and would make any woman miserable. Love the part of using his baby as a pawn to get in bed with her...classy.  

  6. How often are you asking this question anywways? Every day? Twice a day? I've read it at least 20 times already. What's the matter, you don't like the answer people give you the first 20 times?

  7. Yes, he is flirting and he likes the attention. Maybe since the new baby has been born his wife is not showing him any attention, I just don't mean s*x, it could be there is no affection or love being shown and he is getting lonely.  If you are his wife then start showing him some attention and flirt, let him know he is still important and s**y.  If you are not his wife then what business is it of yours anyway.  If you tell his wife you will just cause grief.

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