
Is he trying to say something to me??

by  |  earlier

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ok im a g*y guy and this guy randomly gave me his number and i don't know if he is trying to tell me something or not. Oh and we have been friends for a while.




  1. Absolutely NOT...he's simply indicating, "DON'T EVER CALL THIS NUMBER"...he only gave it to you so you'd know what number "NEVER" to call...if he didn't give you the number you might accidentally call it one day and he'd be confronted with telling you not to call it again...some people!  ...geeez...

  2. How exciting, call the number!

  3. He might want you to call him...but then again maybe he gave you a wrong number as a prank...Just call and say what's up, don't think much of it...

  4. Guys just don't often give their numbers out. So I would say yes he is trying to say something. Call him see what's going on, but don't make a big deal out of it you might scare him off.  Good Luck.

  5. no

  6. he wants you to call, he may like you as friend and wants to get to know you better or he may want to go on a date with you. call and find out.

  7. if you gave your number to some guy wouldn't you want them to call you? he wants to get to know you better, don't think more into it yet, ya first gotta call ;-) good luck if your interested

  8. If yall been friends for awhile...why are you just now getting his number?

    Call and see what he talkin bout...if he trying to strike up convo then yes...he was trying to tell you something!  

  9. he likes u

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