
Is he trying to tell me something?

by Guest58410  |  earlier

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There is a boy that is cute and funny and I think I am starting to like him. He has told me he thought I was hot and would talk to me whenever my bf wasnt around. When ever my boyfriend would come around to hug or kiss or just be close to me this other boy would distract him or start a "fight" with him. He has a gf so I don't know what to think about what hes doing




  1. Sounds like he's attracted to you.

    He could like you too.

    I dunno, if he still has a girlfriend, drop it.

    He's obviously not a committed boyfriend.

  2. 1st red flag..........he makes advances towards you behind your boyfriend's back!  That means he's lacking respect!

    2nd red flag.....he already has a girlfriend!.......what business does he have telling another girl she's hot!  If he was your boyfriend would you want him telling other girls they were hot when their boyfriend wasn't around?

    3rd red flag.....if he does these things with you, he would do them to you!

    He's not worth it and I hope you didn't drop your boyfriend because of this clown.........he's trouble!

  3. THe fact that this dude has a girlfriend and is seeing you on the side and calling you hot does not really show good-future-boyfriend-traits. He sounds like he has no shame. and you know what they say, once a cheater always a cheater.

    best of luck to you, I hope I helped

  4. maybe he acts like that because he's interested. but if he acts like that while he has a girlfriend then maybe you should think things through first. if you get together then he might end up doing the same to you behind your back.

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