
Is he using me.. Can you please give me some advice?

by  |  earlier

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I have a "friend" and we sometimes meet to do sexual things but not have s*x.. Anyway, whenever I ask him would he like to meet. He always says he's either working, going to the gym or seeing friends but always says I really want to see you. I don't know what in the heck to make of the situation? I just don't know. Your thoughts.




  1. sounds to me like you're his fluffer. Yes he's using you.

  2. you need to give more info, like r there any feelings involved and for how long has this been happening? but with what u have said he could be using you or he could be in love with you and just scared.

  3. he is using you and you cant have a freind and do that. its a bit weird

    find someone else that WANTS to be with you hun

  4. You seem to like and want that guy, you have given him starters but not the main dish as yet, but which one of you is not letting things go all the way and why ?

    Your going to have to make yourself as unavailable as he is to you when you want/need him.

    If you let him have you at his beck and call then that's what he will do, call you when he needs a little lite relief.

    Its time to flip the script and get yours.

    Remember, you have what he wants, so make him work for it.

  5. Forget him, get into a decent relationship.....Yes he is using you

  6. Yes hon he is using you and is no friend of yours.He doesn't even want to be seen with you.I don't want to hurt you but you can better your self

    by not seeing him ever again and waiting for a nice guy to come along.

    For you don't want to be marked as a Tram* or anything like that.

    Don't think he doesn't tell his male friends he does.

    You want a nice b/f not a user/ you will never get a nice guy to marry

    you one day if you keep doing this with him.

    It's plain that he is using you so stop him by telling him NO!

    And start dating nice guys if they will date you now after they know what

    your doing with that guy.Stay away from things like this dear as your going to get a name for your self and you don't want that hon.

  7. Get a "rabbit"'s more reliable, doesn't make excuses, and is always ready as long as you feed it fresh batteries every so often.... :-)

  8. I agree, He is using you.  

    The next time he wants to see you, do not let anything sexual happen and maybe he will see how it feels(or doesn't - lol)...

  9. He's just using you for the obvious.

    My advice: Don't sell yourself short. Cut him off. He's not worth it.

  10. he is using you rather than jerk off alone

  11. ask him when he is free and make sure he answers even if you have to pretend you are going to run away. then he will give you the answer do not say anything about you comming over or meating him somewhere. then on that day go over to his house and then you can ask him if he wants to have s*x.

  12. If you have to ask, you already know the answer!

    ...and if you're still puzzled, yes, he's turned you into a friends with benefits. He wants your body without commiments! Make him define what you are before you do anything sexual again with him.

  13. Sounds like you use each other.

    If you are not happy with that, move on.

  14. you are wasting you time,and your life.

    go out and find someone else

  15. You are just his little play mate for sexual things, no respect or real friendship there. How often does he take you on an actual date? Meet his friends? Meet his family? Have some self respect girl!

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