I have a b/f with a criminal record and he has tried really hard to find jobs, even got hired in 2 jobs and then fired once they notice he has felonies. when he was young he did stupid things in life that lead him to trouble, now he gets depressed by looking for jobs and getting turned down. If he puts the truth or lies in the interviews he wont get called anyways, so he basically stopped looking for a job. Im the one who works and pays everything, and Im getting frustrated because even thought I can pay the bills, it still bothers me when I see him in the house all depressed and feeling like a nobody. he says that I can work and he can stay home and help in the house. he does all the house work (washes, cleans, cooks, ect.) but it kind of looks bad for a man to stay at home and the woman going to work, sometimes I even feel he is using me to support him.
should I leave him or help him?
does it look like he is using me?
is it bad for men to stay at home and the woman go to work?