
Is he worth it? What should i do?? i want detailed answers....guys and girls!!?

by  |  earlier

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I know I asked this, but I want more answers, from a variety of people. There is a guy i like...and he knows it but only likes me as a friend. And we've been through a lot(arguing, hurting each other). And i think i am obsessed with him(refer to my previous question( i constantly im him,have pics of him, ask what he's doing, have him on my top(above closer friends, listen to songs that remind me of him, constantly think of him..etc,etc). I know friendship is a two-way thing, but it seems like I'M the only one doing anything, (i initiate the convos, give him gifts(that was only once, and it was handmade), suggest that we hangout). How would he feel towards a girl like me(btw i'm in highschool and am shy)? Is it becuase of my obsession that HE doesn't do much for me?..i just wanna be best friends with him now that i now he doesn't like me(he's too amazing to erase from my life).

What differentiates between best friend and friend, and being a friend to just having pity for someone? And is he worth keeping as a friend?..and would it be different if i became different(like less obsessive and clingy)???

PPl who asked this say that i'm not his friend, but lemme tell ya that i am on his top, he tells me secrets, we still talk after arguments..and we hangout when possible. And he comforts me whenver he can, nd says nice things to me.etc..




  1. i have a guy friend just like this but unlike your friend we both like each other but it'll never be just more then fiends because he has a gf. but anyhow you shouldn't stop being friends with him just because he doesn't do things the way you do, if you stop being friends it will kill you you will try not to txt him and it's a pain in the butt believe me me and my friend tried and it didn't work, you just have to get over the fact that at the moment you are friends and nothing more back off a little and take the pics down don't im him every 5 mins he'll im you when he wants to he doesn't act like he wants you to stay away so just cool down with liking him and he will see how great you are for you good luck :)  

  2. Its time to give the guy a break. If he was really interested in a romantic way, you would have known it by now. Don't waste your time on him, be friends but move on. Your stuck and you need a push into the right direction. This is just a one way street and you need one that goes both ways.

  3. Well, just try to be a little less obsessive.  You need to accept that you're friend doesn't feel the same way about you.  I'm in the same process with a girl I've been friends with since 2nd grade, and we're om high school.  It won't be easy, but remember, if you keep this up, he may not even want to be a friend to you.

    Help me with mine, please

  4. I think that you should calm down a little with all the obsessing over him. If he's not obsessing over you, then dont obsess over him. He's not worth going crazy over. No guy is. But if you guys are truly friends. Then you shouldnt have to do all those extra things for him. Just having such an amazing friend should be enough. Oh and by the way, stick around long enough and you two might end up being more than just friends. It takes a guy a long time to realize what he wants sometimes. Just be the best friend you can be to him without going overboard:)

  5. You've got to find a way to get him acting like he does secretly out in public. Then you guys may be able to get back on track. Good Luck!

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