
Is he worth it????????????????

by  |  earlier

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I know I asked this, but I want more answers.There is a guy i like...and he knows it but only likes me as a friend. And we've been through a lot(arguing, hurting each other). And i think i am obsessed with him(refer to my previous question( i constantly im him,have pics of him, ask what he's doing, have him on my top, listen to songs that remind me of him, etc,etc). I know friendship is a two-way thing, but it seems like i'm the only one doing anything, (i initiate the convos, give him gifts, suggest that we hangout). How would he feel towards a girl like me(btw i'm in highschool and am shy)? Is it becuase of my obsession that HE doesn't do much for me?..i just wanna be best friends with him now that i now he doesn't like me(he's too amazing to erase from my life).

What differentiates between best friend and friend, and being a friend to just having pity for someone? And is he worth keeping as a friend?..and would it be different if i became different(like less obsessive and clingy)???




  1. It's the obsession that is a bit scary here. You need to leave him alone, ok? He won't be the only guy in your life or the most amazing're in high school and there is a HUGE world outside that you haven't even seen yet. He's aware that you like him but he doesn't feel the same way. You need to respect that and move on. You can't make him or anyone else like you or even love you. Time is the only thing that can change this...but you need to let him go and leave him be. If he wants to be friends, he'll make that move. Let him make that first move and don't read into it. What you describe (the pictures of him, constantly thinking of him, listening to songs that remind you of him, etc) isn't friendship at all. You are obsessed with him....not his friend. If you were his friend you would respect him and his decision.

    A friend is someone you hang out with occasionally, go to the movies or out to eat, can talk to. A best friend is the same thing as a friend but more may hang out with them more, have them over, tell them things you don't tell anyone else, etc. For both, there is mutual respect and even love. There's give and take. You care about their life and what's up with them as much as what's going on with you.

    Leave the guy alone. The obsession thing has to stop.  

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