
Is headbutting a cheap shot?

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if someone gets up in ur face and is looking for a fight? and u just headbutt him and break his nose? is that cheap?




  1. if your are involved in a sporting competition then yes it is and you will be disqualified. if it is in a street fight then no b/c there are no cheap shots in a street fight just self-defense which means whatever will end the fight as quickly as possible whether that means running, headbutting, choking, or groin kick. just end the fight fast and/or get away fast.

  2. In a street fight, you can use and do whatever you wish in order to win. Hopefully, whenever you go to such measures, it doesn't involve you in actually killing them. Anyway, it's either you or them and I think you'd prefer it would be them rather than yourself.

  3. Yes, because you should only use your hands and feet

  4. no, in a measly little fight (like the one you seem to be talking about) i think that low blows are the only "cheap shot"...  but in a life or death type of scrap, nothing is a "cheap shot"

    but since this is in the Boxing section:  related to boxing any thing that isn't the front part of the fist is consided an illegal blow, or may be considered a "cheap shot"


  5. in a real fight everything goes

  6. in a real fight, there is no such thing as a cheap shot.

  7. Not from where I am sitting.If he is looking for a fight and you give him one, then there is nothing cheap about it.

    Its a 100% fair deal, paid up front and he should be a satisfied customer as far as I am concerned :)

  8. headbutting is cheap it isnt wreslting thats not right you only use your hands.

  9. Ends The Fight Pretty Quickly Does It Not

  10. In boxing? yes I'd say a cheap shot but if your in the ring maybe a headbutt can save you, but its up to how good your sportsmanship qualities are. In a street fight you can use whatever the h**l you like =]

  11. In a boxing ring yes. On the street when its for real, No way

  12. The point of a fight is to make the other guy stop moving while escaping with your self intact.  Cheap or fair isn't part of the equation.

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