
Is healthcare a human right? Will USA ever socialize medicine?

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Is healthcare a human right? Will USA ever socialize medicine?




  1. I decided to do some investigating of my own, and the excessive wait times that I have heard about are just slightly longer than wait times I have experienced in real life in the U.S. I don't know if it is a right - health care as we know it didn't exist until about 100-150 years ago. Before that, people went to the local shamans, witchdoctors, travelling peddlers, and country doctors - it was less specialized and low-tech. So, it would have been a non-issue as far as the Enlightenment thinkers and the drafters of the American Constitution were concerned.

    I specialize in healthcare administration, and I am definitely an advocate for universal healthcare. If I had started my specialization ten years ago, I probably would have heard all the great things about the HMO system and its inevitability. As it is, today, people realize that it is not such a great system. The only reason there hasn't been a revolutionary outcry for universal healthcare is that life has become so unaffordable for the average American, that people are inclined to just not pay their ridiculous hospital bills, and take the hit on their credit. But the percentage of people lacking health insurance is growing in the U.S. to the point where we already have a system like the other poster described where one half pays and the other half does not - because, if you are uninsured, you can't possibly pay.

    I don't know when universal healthcare will become reality, but I would be willing to bet that our entire financial system collapses first.

    Just my opinion.

  2. hmo lobby group too powerful....

  3. Healthcare is a basic human right, and the USA will socialize medicine because we will fight to end this terrible system.

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