
Is heart rate beats per minute related to your metabolism? i counted 85! which means im unfit?! but i work out

by  |  earlier

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i do not feel unfit, im toned and can run e.t.c without getting out of breath, i am in the top in athletics in my school but my resting heart rate is super fast which means you are unfit doesnt it?

i counted 85 for a minute, and this is quite consistent for me..

is your rate related to metabolism?i have pretty fast metabolism




  1. It is unrelated to your metabolism. A normal heartrate is 80bpm at rest. 85bpm at rest is actually better, as it is a sign of a healthy heart.

  2. No, they are not directly related. Meaning, if your HR is fast it doesn't cause your metabolism to be fast or vice versa.

    The rate at which your heart pumps blood, heart rate, is dependent upon how hard your heart has to work to circulate your blood. Narrow blood vessels, thicker blood would cause your heart rate to increase.

    If your heart rate is that high you should probably have it checked by a cardiologist or other doctor. Something may be wrong with your heart. Most people that exercise regularly are at or below 70 bpm. One the other hand, it may be normal for your family.

    I'd still have it checked out.

  3. Other factors can affect your heart rate.  Your hydration is a huge factor.  The heart will beat much faster if you are dehydrated.  Anxiety and agitation can increase your HR.  Also, any medication that is an ephedrine...sudafed (pseudoephedrine) and others will increase your HR as well.  Make sure you are relaxed, hydrated and sitting or lying down and take your pulse again.  I bet you will be lower than 85!

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