
Is heaven full of aborted babies?

by Guest33698  |  earlier

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The church tells us that life has already begun for babies in the womb, the bible tells us all children are innocent. That means heaven must be full of aborted babies.




  1. yes

  2. No, they're in Limbo, because as foetus(es?), they have not sinned. But, they have not been baptised, so therefore, they go to purgatory, or limbo.

  3. " And h**l is full of doctors and parents of aborted babies "

    Lets see how many thumbs down i get for that one. mabye i can break a Y/A record.

  4. yes, that is my understanding also.

  5. Yes, miscarriages, gross deformities, blood and guts everywhere.

  6. They are and I'm glad of it -- they deserve a beautiful eternity.

  7. ehn.  yeah, but the bible also says that we're born as sinners.  

    so i think the aborted babies must be in helllllo.

  8. The souls of all infants and young children who have died for any reason find their way Home. These Innocent's are holy martyrs and yes they most definitely are Home.

  9. They go to retreats where they can be spiritually healed and find peace after the trauma..

  10. Yes, they are all there!

  11. Wouldn't some of them just be a mass of cells with no form that resembles a person?

  12. interest

  13. yes, waiting.

  14. Actually heaven is full of souls...

  15. There souls are in heaven. hopefully not aware that there moms didn't give a c**p about them.

  16. Yes, you'll have to step over & around all of 'em in order to even move around up there.  God saw all those kids in the time of Noah, and loved them to pieces & drowned all of them.  Sodom and Gomorrah too, sooo innocent, and so dead.

    Really bad theology, huh?  Avoid the fires of h**l for YOUR baby. And if it's wrong to abort them, hey, just repent later!  Deathbed you AND your kid get guaranteed trips to Heaven!  See inside specially marked churches for details.

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