
Is here is anyone who fear without any cause?

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is here anyone who do strange habits in school.Sit like dumb,stupid ..etc.




  1. I don't really understand your question either XP but to answer your first question, yes I do fear many things without causes. Like at night when it's dark I suddenly fear all these random things. XD And my mind does play tricks on me now and then to make me **** myself. :P

    to answer your second question, I do have some strange habits that only happen at school. Like...I have bad balance when I'm at school...which is seriously I stagger into people, or sway when I'm standing still. I also sit with the chair leaning against the wall...usually I fall backwards, but I still do it. :P Erm...and I have a bad (or good I don't know) habit of replying back with mini catch phrases from God knows where. Eg. "Yes sir!!" (While saluting), "Yay!" (Randomly out of the blue and I HAVE to high 5. >.>), oh and finally the infamous "Aye sah~?" (In a British accent...Don't ask. XD)

    Hope this answers your question/s. :P

  2. i dun pretty get ur question..

    but i do fear going to school (cause of some things), i fear Ghosts...etc...

    I don't really have strange habits...which is the part i dun really understand ur question...

    best wishes dude anyway~

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