
Is heroin abuse all-pervasive within British prisons?Are there cons who refuse to do hard drugs?

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Is heroin abuse all-pervasive within British prisons?Are there cons who refuse to do hard drugs?




  1. It is just like in the USA. If you tried USA, expect the same in Britain.

  2. The vast majority dont do hard drugs.

  3. sure there are cons that dont do hard drugs in fact most dont

  4. There are probably loads of cons that don't do hard drugs. But you won't really here about those con's. It's down to the government and media what you actually see. They bang on about 'turning your life around' and 'getting second chances' but only tell us the bad stuff, so society keeps the stereo type thing going and cons can't get jobs and the cycle goes on to the point they have to turn back to crime.

    Also with so many corrupt screws around, once in or back in the prison the con's can and usually drawn back into or into heroin. They also spend more on stuff the cons in some prisons don't need (ps'2's and pool tables) and less on courses (anger management, drug addiction treatments and qualifications) to give the con's something to aim for. So the vicious cycle is controlled by the government and until they get real then there will be no end to the drugs 'inside'.

  5. How else do you think they keep the Prison population from Rioting?

    Its not just Heroin though. Pot is smoked as much as tobacco in there,

    a lot of it is brought in by Prison Officers, who turn a blind eye to it all.

    Also, a lot of Steroid Abuse too.

    A lot of Cons dont do hard drugs, but most of them have a Puff, what else is there to do?

  6. In the UK there is a drug free unit in some jails, where cons can apply to live on.

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