
Is high school different than middle

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well I'm really nervous going from 8th to 9th

grade. but than again we'll have more freedom but

I don't know about the work...8th grade was easy but

I'm scared that I wont understand the work....

plz help




  1. high school is different.... in a good way! trust me it's not like you're going from super easy to super hard. the school makes it easy for freshman to get used to the school, and the work gets slightly harder... just like it does from 6th grade to 7th grade or from 7th grade to 8th grade. the only difference is that your surrounded by people that are older and more mature than you (except some of the immature freshman). you'll have lots of fun, and if your like me then you'll enjoy high school a lot more than you enjoyed middle school!

    Good Luck!

    ps: sorry my answer isn't as elaborate as the one above! lol!

  2. High school needs more of your time allocated for studies

  3. relax  your first day can be scary cuz you dont know anything.but is ok cuz there are people there to help you.just be careful not to get mixed up with the wrong people. and if you have friend who go to the same school talk to them they will be helpful. just stay with your friends have fun and stay focused. high school is another chance for you to start over. its not as different as you think good luck  

  4. hey! well i did this last year and i was just as scared as you, but now i'm over it and the year was great! a few tips i guess are jsut, keep your head on your neck and work hard, always trying to give the best of you, not just somthing to get the work done.,... you'll see that you might even start enjoying yourself!

    you should listen well in class and try to join in when there are class arguments, so you get extra marks, and be very organized, remmeber books, homework and everything you need!

    don't worry you'll be just fine, keep your eyes and mind open, and don't forget to smile... it'll all be a piece of cake!

    kisses xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  5. Girls start to have bodies in high school.  

  6. u will - just keep yr head down and work hard - if u work hard the first 10 weks they say that u will do really well in graduation. - thats the research as a middle school and high school teacher i say that u will find  some freedoms - but now everythign ocutns

    ull make friends, theres lots of groups to join on not join

    do what u are interested in.

    follow the crowd= or dotn and be a leader- up to you-

    its what u make it

  7.    Every year has been harder than the last.  But every year you have learned more, and it hasn't seemed that hard.  If that's true for you then, if you keep doing your best, then I believe you will find yourself not only able to keep up, but to do very well.

       It is true that several students do not do well in their next grade, but if you will look back, I'll bet that you can tell (note I did not say guess) who they are and probably even why.  The "probably" is because there are many factors that don't seem apparent to someone who doesn't know them well.  But if you know that they are more interested in friends than studies, or clothes, or make-up, or athletics, or anything else for that matter then you probably know why they have trouble and that they control their own fate.  There will be personal factors, such as family chores, illness of relatives, finances, or problems such as parents drinking, drugs or any number of things that you can't possibly know then you won't be able to "guess" why.

       But if you can control your own focus, and keep the balance of all of your homework, family responsibilities, sports, scouts, church along with your family's support, then you should be able to not only keep up, but do well.  

       People (not just students) have lots of pressure from lots of places.  In fact I think that parents may have more "peer" pressure than students, and if they don't handle it well then they teach you to "not handle it well" either.  For example, from TV (programs and advertisements) all want you to buy!  the primary focus of this is not to help your family, but to help the advertiser, or agenda of the program.  You have noticed (I hope) that in the family comedies (for example) that there are "no" responsible people.  Even Dad's, Mom's, and friends are ??? Dorks?  Sure it's funny, but where are we getting our examples of how to live.  Everyone knows (but is never felt or even said) that we don't really invent our lives, and we are not "our own person.  If we were, we would not all look alike, and use the same "popular" language.  And even more every culture in the world would not have adopted western dress, liked rock & roll, etc.  And it's not just kids.  Go to Japan, China, India, Europe, Africa, etc. and every business man wears a suit & tie.  Why?  Their own cultural dress developed over the years to be most helpful.  Robes in the desert kept out sand.  Fur in the arctic kept out cold.  

       You will learn and see many new things, in high school and even more later in college, tech school, or military training that will amaze you.  Hopefully, you will have done well enough through high school that you will be prepared to take advantage of those things and be a part of them.

       My hope for you is that you will not try to be like everyone else (you will be to some extent) and try to concentrate on developing good skills (not wardrobe) and will be able to go do the things that successful people do.  Old fashioned values were that way because they worked for healthy people.  The hardest thing you will find is that you will have friends who stray (hopefully not too far) and will try to impress someone, instead of trying to be the kind of person that other people want to impress.  

       Oddly, the best students seem to be the busiest (take the hardest courses, and make the best grades, leaders in their clubs, or activities.  they then get into the best colleges with the best scholarships.  (And not very many students get "scholarships".  In fact, most college money is from the other three forms of financial aid: grants, loans, and work-study jobs.  You will learn more about this as you become a junior or senior in high school (unless your family goes to the financial aid meetings when you are in 9th & 10 grade just to learn how it works).  Good idea.  But most importantly, you need to know that your grade in PE is going to be a part of your Grade Point Average and Class Rank (two things that scholarship committees and college admissions use).  Test scores, and the level of courses (remedial, regular, or advanced honors) will also be very important.  Be sure you do your best in the strongest courses you can handle.  Take electives that you enjoy and those also will help you become who you want to be.

       Remember, your parents know you better than anyone, they care more than anyone else will ever care.  They will be behind you no matter what.  talk to them, no matter what.  (Unless, you have one of the alcoholic, drug using, selfish parents, etc. that care about themselves first.  Then I hope you have another relative, minister, teacher, scoutmaster, coach, friend's parent, etc. who will help give you sound advice.  

       there are students who came from great families who ended up a mess, and there are those who came from miserable homes who turned out great, it's your job to learn the most to be the best that you can be.

    Good Luck!

       We all need each other to be the best that they can be.  By the way every teacher, coach (mentors) will not be right all of the time, but you will know that.  Your job is to be the best you can be even when you don't have a good mentor.  Never try to blame your failures on someone else.  First of all, it doesn't matter, it only matters if you succeed.  If your mentor isn't very good then try harder.  

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