
Is high school homework harder or is the quantity what makes it hard??!!?

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I'm a freshman this year

Is the work itself harder, or is ther MORE work in general. also im doing enriched math this year, is it really hard?

Please, answer!




  1. both

    make sure u do it or ur screwed on tests too

  2. I've been out of high school for a while, but I think the homework is harder. The school I went to didn't give us a lot of it, but it was more difficult. Enriched math doesn't sound hard.  

  3. BOTH

  4. Everything is harder!

    Homework is harder, you've got projects and deadlines and the teachers are harder on you too!

  5. It's a bit of both.

    In some classes, you get worksheets that seem very junior high-ish, but in others you have to think a little bit more. I actually got a homework assignment in my English class that was the same exact homework assignment I got in like, seventh grade. I guess it was more about the quantity than the quality. The teachers don't care how much homework the other teachers are giving you =P

    Good luck. I hope the transition between junior high and high school won't affect your grades.

  6. just wait until you get to college.  my son called that culture shock.

  7. high school is very easy. they teach you everything in the class, and then give you a homework assignment everynight. if you can handle that, the you are in good shape. i got lazy last year and ended up getting a C- in my advanced math class becuase i got sick of doing homework, and i got bored in class. that's the lowest grade i ever got.

    i think you will be able to handle it. don't f*** up

  8. The work in high school isn't harder but it depends on your school. There's a little more to do but it honestly isn't that bad. Your freshman year is probably one of the easiest years in high school. Don't sweat it. Just have fun :]

  9. neither. its about the same as 8th grade. not really. i'm in in geometry honors (advanced geometry) its pretty easy. good luck thought!!! :]

  10. The amount is not the problem..the WORK is the problem.

  11. I don't know what "enriched math" means, but yes - the work will be harder and there will be more of it.

    As your cognitive skills develop and you mature psycho-socially, then more is expected of you.  The challenges have to increase in order for you to develop.  You should be on a path towards more and more self-directed learning.  Learning how to learn is the most learning experience, so that in the years to come you yourself become your own best teacher.

    my "two cents".  good luck and enjoy!

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