
Is high school hve any similarities like in the movies?

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I know in movies they over exagerate alittle bit..

but i mean,


3 "popular" girls. that date the "joc".

and there is like another group of friends that are close to each other and get picked on my the "popular girls".

movie examples: sydney white and picture this.

if not...

what is high school like?

all the details.





  1. remember its tv lol

    sure there is things similar in real life high school but no you dont go through all that crazy c**p i will be a junior this year and i  have yet to see any girls treat eachother like they do in those movies. Give them credit there are some funny ones but not like that, not in mine any way lol  

  2. No  absolutley not !

    High school is an amzing thing but just be yourself cause there are time's where you might feel un popular but that happens to people alot don't worry about thay at all.

    High school is just very amazing and it may seem scarying but it's real fun but though so do your best !

  3. Well, of _course_ it is!

    It's all very, very awkward at first. Especially at lunchtime. But then, after ripping up a few copies of Molière and dismantling the card catalogues, everybody sits down and has a lovely, long, enlightening heart-to-heart in the library, during which, the basket cases all take it upon themselves to dump the contents of their purses all over the couches. Then, the JDs are all isolated from everyone else and locked in the janitor's closet (it's a big closet), but that's OK, because they find a way to all sneak back through the air ducts. Meanwhile, the princesses all give makeovers to the basket cases, who all have really beautiful eyes, but no-one can ever tell, because they all wear their hair so long in the front. This really turns on all the jocks, who never noticed before that there was a really pretty girl underneath all that quirky emoishness. The JDs end up with the princesses, the jocks end up with the basket cases.

    And, as ever, the nerds are forced to do everybody's homework.

    Then everybody craps rainbows and puppy dogs and goes home!

  4. Yes, everyone randomly bursts out into synchronized song and dance routines.

  5. I remember these three weird girls that pretended to have spooky powers after reading some book.  Then a fourth girl came to our school and their spooky powers got even spookier.  I remember this one girl that was really popular who was on the swim team, her hair began falling out, and a guy I knew in my French class fell madly in love with one of the girls.  Unfortunately he died after falling off a balcony at a dude's house while we were partying.

    We never broke into song and dance like others have, but I do remember one time when a well-known TV show announced they were filming an episode at my school.  Unfortunately I was out sick that day, but some of my friends told me they had a blast.

    I also remember one time when the Student Council was setting up for a Spring Fling dance, one of the members accidentally knocked the bust of my high school's first principal onto the ground, breaking it.  A couple of friends of mine tried to put it back together with glue, chewing gum, and other sticky items, to no avail.  The principal called us into assembly in the gym, and stated that the dance was canceled, unless someone fessed up to the destruction of the bust.  Eventually one girl confessed, but she wasn't the one that did it.  She wasn't allowed to attend the dance.  I felt bad for her, so I suggested to everyone that we should have the party at her house, and not at the school.  I heard the girl that did break the bust was ticked off.

  6. i went to 2 high school and i saw the same thing (one private one public)

    all in all high school is what u make it i stayed away from "clicks"

    yes their are the jock and stuck up cheerleader here and their but thats also in real life

    dont be a poser and try to be something your not

    my private school had an alumni of about 500 student and my public school had the rest of the city student about 4-5 thousand student

    drugs are everywhgere public and private

    (private school offere a nice "fish" policie haha

    and public well youtypical praking and fire alarm everyday for 2 DAMB WEEKS ) all in all theose are memories youll have for the rest of your life

    its a fun experience if you alow it to be but if your to "scared' or timid you will be eaten alive

    i was i quess somewhat of a nerd lol computers and ROTC where my thing

    but FORE most remember your still going to school to LEARN and try to get good grades no matter what "click" your in it will haunt to later if you did poorly and then your gonna have to work TWICE as hard when you get to college

    make your coucelors your friends they will gide you through everything you need

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