
Is high school really as hard as people make it sound?

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I'm in eighth grade and headed to high school next year. Is it really as hard as people make it sound? Like, academic-wise and social-wise. Or do you like high school? Answers appreciated!




  1. I am going to be a sophmore next year, because i stayed back last year, because high school is where relationships get tested. No one really cares about any one else any more as much, because they are all focused on college. Also, most will try to keep up their social status more, meaning that if you are not up to their social standards they are more likely to dump you as a friend/bf/or gf than in grade school.

    You have more freedom usually.... and i mean usually lol.... on the plus side. The academics to me did not get harder, just plainly more time consuming. More of everything basically for me. 8th grade was my favorite grade, and highschool pretty much destroyed the relationships made... a lot of people move right before highschool too making it hard.... like some of my best friends.

    So, advice is to cherish your favorite relationships and not take them for granted at all. Manage your time wisely, maybe even a schedual, and you'll be just fine. Highschool is only what you make it.

  2. H.S is not HARD but it's not easy neither.You will encounter some new people and experiences so be prepared.High school is what you make it really.Be serious about your studies especially if you plan to go to college.However,make time to socialize and get involved.Thats part of the H.S experience.You do not need to be popular but make sure you have atleast a couple of friends to support you.Or else you will feel like an outcast! LOL not a good feeling.Everything will be great.Stay strong,confident and goal oriented!

  3. i thought high school was much easier than the lower grades - the subjects were more interesting.

    but socially, it was harder.

  4. High school isnt as hard. I just graduated and I liked high school. But I will admit I loved my 8th grade year the best. My school had a medium hard academic set up. So I had to kind of study to keep on the honor roll. Socially, eveyone splits up.  And that is the truth. you will find the people you once talked to in middle school you wont even glance at in high school. as much as you try to prevent it or dont want to admit it will happen. Trust me it will!

    But all in all its not bad at all. It just goes past really fast!!

  5. I loved high school I just graduated in 2008! It is harder a little academic wise but the classes are what YOU want to take so it's also easier because some of them are what your interested in.. of course there are the core classes and you HAVE to take them but they're ok some times just keep on top of your work! Make up work is stupid but the teachers make  you turn it in! thats another thing some teachers dont tell you what your missing you have to look in certain files or personally go up and ask them.. which stinks but you get used to it. As far as social wise you meet lots of new people and make lots of new friends but like others have said there is A LOT more drama so my recomendation is to try and stay out of it :) keep your opinions to yourself there are a few backstabbers in high school that would just love to see you fall! but keep your head high and take it one day at a time thats the only way to keep from "drowning" One more thing join clubs/ or do sports it will help you alot as time passes the friends you make in clubs are always good ones because they're interested in some of the same things as you.. I made the mistake of only joining 2 later on in the my high school career.. I'm not saying join like 50 haha but join the ones you want and make sure they dont clash with your school work! Or eachother... and don't just take certain things because your friends do... I also made that mistake and she ended up not even taking that class... but the good thing is that I met a few new good friends! And remember your never alone you'll always know someone even if its just a little bit! Finally if for any reason you think there is something wrong with your schedule or with your credits talk to your guidence counc. or someone in the office they are there to help you even if they're mean haha because come senior year you want to be able to be confident going in for your final year and not have to worry if you have enough credits or if you have the ones you need... I have a few friends that had that problem and their senior year and it made it miserable for them and a few didnt get to graduate with the rest of the class! But again just take it a day at a time and have fun! this is a one time thing so make it the best you can! I hope this helped! If you have any more questions about high school dont be afraid to email me :) I'd be happy to help

    I guess the best way to put it is kinda what Hannah Montana says (sorry I have a little sister that watches that all day long!) Lifes what you make it, so lets make it rock! XD

  6. If you do your work and pay attention in class it is not hard at all./

  7. im in eighth too but i skipped high school im goin to college

  8. No its not so hard theres just alot more drama. and homework you sometimes get alot but if you understand it and its pointless to do 100 things for it you can usually just get answers from a friends. Good luck. have fun!

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