
Is high school really that scary?

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I'm goin into high school and im so scared should i be this scared....




  1. High school isn't scary at all.

  2. No high school is fun!

    You'll be with your same class as you were in Junior high.

    Don't sweat it you'll love it!


    Pay attention and do your best and make good grades, it go's towards your record let me tell you I found out the hard way...

  3. No, just think of it this way... its just another school that your going to. DO YOUR BEST!

  4. chill out high school is great make friends and have a blast

  5. no, there is absolutely nothing to be worried about! Just be confident in everything you do and you will have the best four years of your life!

    Have fun!

  6. no, its the same as middle school, with a fwe more people but basically all the people youve seen all your life. youll be fine =] have FUN

  7. itz not that bad...frshman yr is the worst part... dont b influenced by the movies u c...itz nothing like it

  8. don't be scared!

    high school is fun!

    you get to make tons of new friends,

    and join new clubs. you get to go

    to school dances and meet cute boys ; ]

    have fun because your 4 years fly by!

  9. definitely is probably the years of your life wherein you would have fun!!!  its probably something new but that's the great thing about it...explore.learn form it is a roller coaster man....have fun  in highschool!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. no way! i was a little nervous going into high school too. but the 1st day i went there wasn't that bad at all!

    i didn't get lost bcuz they gave us a map in our planner. && you most likely wont have any homework on the first day! try to go with a friend on your first day. that makes it alot easier!

  11. Oh no it isnt! I thought it would be but it wasnt. I am a freshman and started last monday and i was so nervous but now i just think wow its really not that bad! I love it!!!! The only bad thing is that every grade really counts now. At my high school you can have food and drink in class. We couldnt do that in middle school. Its so great to have a bottle of water or gatorade in class with a granola bar! Plus i love lunch I have first lunch with all of my friends and this year we get the regular lunch we have had all of elem. and middle school plus we get the salad and fresh fruit bar! I love it because it is more food plus its healthy food that comes with your meal! So I am in love with high school so far.....Yep...Hope i helped. Its really not scary its just amazing let me know how it went!!

  12. its completely normal to be nervous. im starting my junior year and im still nervous! all you really need to do is take a deep breath and relax. high school is actually a lot of fun. Freshman friday is a myth, all people do is like put vaseline on the handrails but that is just funny. You will make A TON of friends quickly. At my school there is literally not one person without friends, everybody finds their niche. It is nothing like you see in mean girls or other movies and tv shows, i promise. My school is a magnet school too and while it is competitive, i just find that it motivates me more to do well. Make sure as a freshman that you get as high grades as you possible can because if you s***w up this year it is hard for your transcript to recover. but really, you will be fine. just relax, work hard, and have fun!

  13. Highschool is not scary at all. I was always one of those kids who thought that it was going to be terrifying. I was moving to a different country yet again (from the dominican republic to china) and i was going to be a year younger than everyone (i skipped 6th grade). Through middle school i went being called the stupid smart 6th grader because i got bumped up a grade and they didn't. They all thought that i didn't speak Spanish because i was from America they would pretend to be friends with me and then talk about me in Spanish right in front of me. I thought if this is middle school i am screwed for high school. Now that i am in highschool i love it. I'm a junior getting good grades was the lead in our school production of Grease and i'm involved in all music that is available. The classes are difficult but the challenge is good and don't worry its not that bad being a freshman. just act yourself and get involved its the best way.

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