
Is high school the worst stage for people?

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I think so. High school is stressful, most teens show no respect for others and adults, lots of teen pregnancies, and kids are being victims of gang violence (at least where I live).

I just got through watching the ending of the movie "American History X", which is why I finished and make sure I'll never move anywhere near a high school.

But anyway, does anyone else think high school is the worst stage for people growing up?




  1. In some cases, but from what I heard, middle school is the worse. Yeah those things you mentioned happens in highschool, but it's not EVERYBODY in the school.

    In middle school, kids are so naive and ready to do anything just to fit in.Everybody causes drama for everybody. Friends may backstab friends. That's just the way it is in middle school. Then once you've entered your freshman year in highschool, everybody seems to have matured more, and is just sick of all the drama. Then as they go along in high school, school just becomes better and better and less dramatic. Why do you think seniors are always so happy?

  2. i go to highschool and im going to be a junior and my school starts in like two weeks which sucks because then i have to get up early and actually have to do stuff. But i would agree that highschool can basically suck but once you finally find your group the main people you hang out with all the time your fine. im not overly popular but im not nerdy so this may help me because i can fit in to most any group if you really want to make friends in highschool you have to be the one to go out and make them the best way to do this is to go to all the events basketball and football games get involved people will like you a lot more. not the worst stage in your life but its right up there next to being on your death bed

  3. I think the first 3 yrs of highschool are very stressful when it comes to relationships. grades 8, 9, and 10 are very bitchy age groups. Theres alot of cliques and all that jazz. Everyone is trying to display themselves as "cool".

    In 11 and 12 these things cool down as teena mature, but thats when school work takes it toll.

    god bless

  4. No, for the most part. It's always an individual thing, but for the most part people think that high school is the worst thing that ever happened to them and all the juvenile politics are soooo important, but I've noticed people have more problems their first and second years of college. It's a culture shock for them and having real responsibilities is difficult for them since they're used to scapegoating.

    Since a lot of children give into the notion that high school is this hugely important part of their existence, they tend to make the rest of their lives suffer for it, i.e. teen pregnancies, STDs, having s*x too young, ruining their bodies and self image to fit in, violence, alcohol and drug use, etc. In general, the people who steered clear of that end up being more successful and the ones who didn't end up struggling in the real world.

  5. nop.. high school was one of the best stages of my life... loved it... just b yourself n dont listen to wat other people have 2 say!!!

  6. I thought Middle School was worse.  At least in high school..most teens are done with puberty and hopefully act like young adults.

  7. i think high school for me has been the worst alhtough i am i only saying this becasue of this year.. im in my lsat year and everytign has gone heywire..

    ppl i thought i knew have changed, ppl have started fights with me.. iv lost pretty much all my friends becasue i became friends with some chick.

  8. not for all people, people just need to learn how to raise their kids right...

  9. im in high school now and i like it alot. i dont think its the worst stage for people. but i guess it depends on who you are.

    high school is good for me because im outgoing and confident, im not shy and i guess other people like it when you are outgoing.

    and if your shy and quiet high school might be harder because you kinda have to work harder to make friends. thats just my opinion tho.

    and about the gang violence thing, the last 7 years there has been maybe 4 shootings at my school.

    so you and me have waaay different outlooks on high school.

  10. Yes, there's always the stress, getting up early, bitchy people and everything. But high school, for me will be the best years of my life. Im only a sophomore now but Im having fun. :)

    I think I have met the most amazing people that would be there for me. ALWAYS! :) I love them. Also, the memories I got from high school, I know I'm never gonna forget them! :)

    The stress and everything, I'm sure it would be worth it soon. I get stressed a lot coz I run for honors but I know it would be worth it if i get into a good college.

    I think the real problem here is you're focusing too much on the negative side. I think if you see more of the good side, you'll enjoy high school more!

    HS is <3  

  11. no middle school is :[ i got picked on a im a sophomore and im popular

  12. i don't think for everyone..

    it depends where you live and how you were raised.

    i agree that this is the most stressful challenging time of my life.

    and it is a really sucky stage because you have to make choices... with the pressure of s*x. fitting in.. getting good grades.. picking a good collage,, adults not listening to your viewpoints or ideals because your just a teenager and u don't matter..boyfriends... i think its a lot harder than being in middle school or elementary.. i mean in elementary everyones friends high school its hard to figure out who are your true friends and who is your friend just long enough to stab u in the back..

    so yeah it is the worst stage of growing up..

    and im only a sophomore in high school & its pretty bad when u wake up and have to tell your self only this many more days and only three more years only three more years.

  13. I think it can be kind of stressful but I have a biased look on it. I am going in to my sophmore year of highschool and I am 14+5 weeks pregnant. And highschool is hard. Everyone is trying to find a group/club/sport to fit in. There IS bullying (but there is also bullying in other age groups too). There is a bit more violence and of course teen pregnancies. But highschool can also be the best 4 years of your life if you let it.




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