
Is high teen car insurance good?

by  |  earlier

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yes i know for teens it sucks because they might have to pay for it. But do you think it helps in the long run?




  1. Maybe You should try to google it first ,however if you like some direct resource ,here might be helpful.

  2. in my opinion it is not good or bad, it is just the way things are, insurance companies charge you according to the level of or probability that a teenage driver is more likely to have an accident than a fourty year old driver

    If you want some more information, I would check out...

    Take care.

  3. Yes

  4. It's not "good", but necessary.  I've seen tons of teens, even the "good" drivers, have accidents shortly after getting their license.  The numbers show that younger inexperienced drivers have more accidents and cost the insurance companies more money than adult or more experienced drivers.  One possible benefit of this is after the teen has the accident and pays much more for insurance, they will see how important it is to really pay attention to what they and other drivers are doing behind the wheel.  Being careful yourself isn't enough, you have to watch others and compensate as much as you can for their poor driving habits too.  We're all told this in driver ed, I think few of us really believe it until it's too late.

  5. Not good for the pocketbook, but it is necessary.  New drivers statistically get into many more accidents then more experienced drivers so that is why they pay more for insurance.

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