
Is highschool a good place to be anti-social?

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I am going to highschool, and I am thinking of talking only when spoken to. (Long story)




  1. i would say dont go in with a pessimistic attitude like that. at least give being social a try. if things dont work out and people give you a reason to be antisocial, go for it. i was antisocial for almost my whole sophomore year because i felt like my best friend betrayed me, and when it was over, i didnt feel like i missed out on anything, i actually felt like i learned more about myself. so what im trying to say is, if people have given you a reason to be antisocial, there is nothing wrong with it, unless you have problems and are depressed or something, then you need help. good luck with whatever you decide.

  2. The whole point of being anti-social is that you can be that way anywhere!  That's the beauty of it.

    However, you're a bit young to be this jaded.  Try to find something you like to do in school and stick with that.  Like German or French'll make friends with people you have common interests in.

  3. It's a great place to learn anti-social behavior...good for you for thinking of it.  While you're at it, plug your face with every pin, nail and wire you can find, rip your hair out only on one side, blacken your eyes and nose, cut three fingers off, and wear old mens clothing.  This will tell the other students that you are serious about wanting to be amongst them but will not speak to them.  Truse me, you will be shunned just the way you want to be.

  4. try to still find a few people to associate with.

    even if you do as you say in high school, don't continue that tendency in college, etc. the rest of the world is much different that high school.

  5. You seem either emo or retarded. Im going to go with both.

  6. No, ofcourse, you have to be comfortable with yourself and if you are shy that is fine. But you need to get yourself good friends, build independence and confidence. There is no point in hiding away since you will find it harder to enjoy your experience there. Just be yourself and go with the flow, you will be fine.

  7. First of all anti-social means - a mental disorder defined by the American Psychiatric Association's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual: "The essential feature for the diagnosis is a pervasive pattern of disregard for, and violation of, the rights of others that begins in childhood or early adolescence and continues into adulthood due to the lack of love and care for the child."[1] Deceit and manipulation are considered essential features of the disorder. The correct term you're looking for is Loner. High school is a difficult period of time for teenagers and it's best if you make friends with people that will help you grow as an individual or you can become a loner but that will not help you in the long run.

  8. It's probably actually one of the worst places to be antisocial, besides the work place.  And not speaking to ANYONE is going to be a lot harder than you think it is.  Highschool is filled with so many new different people and it can be fun to find some really cool friends.

    You say "long story" which probably means that something happened to turn you against being social anymore.  Think about that situation.  If someone was s******g around with you to make you feel stupid, you're only letting them win.  Don't let something that happened make you miss out on opportunities!

    Good luck :)

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