
Is hillary willing to leave a trail of blood just to get the Nomination.?

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It is very obvious to me that hillary clinton will stop at nothing short of an old fashion gun draw to get this nomination. Its sad to see someone that evil




  1. At this point, Hillary really has no chance of winning. Obama has received something like 750,000 more votes than she has and has almost 200 more pledged delegates than she has. But the Clinton political machine will keep rolling on and trying to tear him down, thus weakening our partys' chances of victory in '08.But I don't really see that happening. I think she may win Pa., but by a slim margin that it won't make any real difference and eventually she'll run out of money and drop out of the race. Fingers are crossed.

    Just in case...

    VOTE OBAMA in '08!

  2. she is only alive for this opportunity

  3. Hillary disappoints me..I was all for her until these last couple of weeks..what the heck..shes going nuts and doing whatever she can to look good..when she looks desperate..

  4. You are right, she will stop at nothing. In her mind, she is entitled.   Funny, I think the radical faction Muslims feel they are entitled in their quest also. Is it possible Hillary is as whacko as the terrorists?

  5. Considering she is using funds from a state loan to finance her campaign - I'd like to see her pay that back fom a regular 9-5 job.

    I think it's all or nothing to her. She has already sold the famly silver (she was told to return $20,000 worth of antiques she took with her)

  6. Hillary is willing to do just about anything to get elected. She has lied so many times and she is now having her daughter support her lies. How can a mother ask her child to lie? What can a daughter think of a parent who is known to be a liar? What kind of message is Hillary sending our kids when she is caught in a lie and expects her daughter to go along with the lie?

  7. she should continue to battle for i do not doubt her loyalty for country one bit it is Obama that i question as to where the loyalty lies and from all the news i see of him he is willing to kill his own children to get the nomination so to say one is worse than the other is a blatant lie

  8. Hmmm, I wouldn't say that she would leave a trail of blood, more like a trail of her own tears. If she makes it into the Oval Office, it will be cause she cried and blubbered her way in.  She doesn't really portray evil to me as much as crybaby.

  9. From Illinois to Denver if need be.

  10. Yes.  It's too bad.  The country needs help

  11. it's allso sad to say we have been liveing in h**l for the past eight years. Hillary will do what it takes and i suport her %100

  12. I would love to see a duel between them :)

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