
Is hitchhiking safe? What are some tips for hitchhiking? Who does better statistically boys or girls?

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Is hitchhiking safe? What are some tips for hitchhiking? Who does better statistically boys or girls?




  1. Not safe. Illegal in some states.

  2. mostly illegal, but on principal, I would think safer for a guy than a girl. Never know who might stop and pick you up.

  3. I'm pretty sure it's illegal. But even if it's not, it's very unsafe. You might end up dead.

  4. you would be stupid to hitchhike in this day and age. If you want cheap travel across the us, go greyhound

  5. itts no longer safe anymore -you never know if the stranger will

    kidnap you or what -and since you are their car

    you could just get robbed or even killed,

    in other words hitchhiking now you are putting your life

    at risk

  6. But he's got bud light...  LOL

  7. Never really thought about this, but I haven't seen a hitchhiker in a long time. Its safe until the wrong person picks you up (joke). I think you'd be nuts to hitchhike in this day and age!

  8. No it is not safe.  I have done a fair amount of it, when I was in the service.  Some people were very nice and would actually go out of their way for you.  Others were not so nice.  I never had any actual problems, but I did have two guns pulled on me and once I picked up a girl who pulled a switch blade on me.  These incidents were to just let me know that they were armed and not to mess with them, which I wasn't going to do anyway.

    A lot of the people were drinking as they drove too.

    Don't do it, take the bus.  You'll probably get there faster anyway.  Good luck.

  9. No hitchhiking is not safe.  Why would you want tips for hitchhiking?  No one hitchhikes any more because of the dangers.

  10. Certainly NOT in the US.  I've heard in some countries it's still ok, but I wouldn't take the chance.

    Here's a unit of measure...

    If YOU were willing to accept a ride hitchhiking for just yourself, would you also take the same risk if you were with your wife, girlfriend, significant other, little sibling, mom, grandma etc?

    If you felt the slightest bit of fear for any of them, why not the same for yourself?

    Non of us are invincible so why expose yourself to the risk?

    Would you ask security guards to "walk the yard" in a prison?  Just doesn't make sense.

    Listen, I'm a capable martial artist so I'm not wimping out here, but we all have to make smart decisions and not bury out heads in the sand.

    Nuff said.

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