
Is hitler really bad?

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is hitler really bad? if he is what bad things does he did to make the people really think that his a bad dectator.... im really interested of this so can you help me ans. this question?.. tnk you




  1. what? are you serious....get a freaking book then...need a history lesson then look it up. define 'really bad' maybe he didn't meet up to your standards, millions died, innocent men women and children ripped from their homes....uhhh you are so not worth my time

  2. Try looking up the name in any good encyclopedia - then settle in for a long read.  It may help if you didn't eat recently...

  3. For starters this man killed over 6 million people. He experimented on these people to no ends. Tourtured them,shot them,decapitated them all because they were different. He invaded most of Europe just to eradicate all the Jews. He was insane enough to kill himself.

  4. Besides killing many jews and causing ww2 heres some hitler facts:

    Adolf Hitler (20 April 1889 – 30 April 1945) was an Austrian-born German politician who led the National Socialist German Workers Party-more commonly known as the n**i Party. He was Chancellor of Germany (1933–1945) and Führer of Germany (1934–1945).

    Hitler was a decorated veteran of World War I who achieved leadership of the n**i Party in Weimar Germany. Following his imprisonment after a failed coup, he gained support by promoting nationalism, antisemitism and anti-communism with charismatic oratory and propaganda. The n***s executed or assassinated many of their opponents, restructured the state economy, rearmed the armed forces (Wehrmacht) and established a totalitarian and fascist dictatorship. Hitler pursued a foreign policy with the declared goal of seizing Lebensraum ("living space"). The German invasion of Poland in 1939 caused the British and French Empires to declare war on Germany, leading to the outbreak of World War II in Europe.[3]

    The Axis Powers occupied most of continental Europe and parts of Asia and Africa. Eventually the Allies defeated the Wehrmacht and Schutzstaffel. By 1945, Germany was in ruins. Hitler's bid for territorial conquest and racial subjugation caused the deaths of tens of millions of people, including the systematic genocide of an estimated six million Jews, not including various additional "undesirable" populations, in what is known as the Holocaust.

    During the final days of the war in 1945, as Berlin was being invaded by the Red Army, Hitler married Eva Braun. Less than 24 hours later, the two committed suicide in the Führerbunker.


  5. The overall big answer is...YES he was that bad. The holocaust did happen and it started with his claims that Germany was in the crapper because of the Jews, and that HE himself could pull them out of it. He created a political party based on hatred, and held people in it, even after they didn't want to be. And then he proved he is a coward by killing himself just before he was arrested at the end of the war.

    However...let's play devils advocate and look at other factors.

    He was severely mentally disturbed. And as much as Hitler lied to the German people, I think he also deceived himself the further things went. I also think in the beginning, he didn't know he could influence people so well and probably got caught up in his own power.

    Everyone around him went along with his plan until his mission to exterminate all of the Jews was in full swing. They could have dismissed him as a lunatic before he had any influence but they thought he made sense.

  6. is this a joke??

    you are about to start a huge controversy on this website if you don't take this question off.

  7. He it terrible.

    But the sad thing is....there have been many criminals as evil as Hitler....

  8. Lets see, started a war that killed millions. Sent Jewish, Gypsies, g**s and JW's in camps and killed them. Restricted the rights of everyone. Brainwashed children.

    He killed a huge percentage of Europes Jews and drove his own country into ruin.

    Seriously google the name and you will see.

  9. are you stupid he tried kiiling all jews on the planet as if they were a virus you should know this and by not knowing this you are offending Jews all over im not jewish but if i were i would so be mad right now

  10. He cause a bloody genocide(massive killing) on Jews. That the Allies Forces are not aware of till the Allies Forces came across concentration and death camps for Jews to die.

    Also the German Civilians aren't aware the camps till the Allied Forces brought them to see the million of dead Jews. They literally cried and did not know Hitler was doing this.

  11. psh he was horrible....but the ultimate emo :]

  12. He stuck jewish people into ovens.

    If that's not convincing then you're sick.

  13. All of the above and much, much more.

    While there are current medical treatments for some conditions that came about as the result of some of the experiments that were done in those days, what went on was far, far worse than animal testing of drugs and treatments now.  People don't stand for it these days....yet then, they allowed it to happen.  Nobody stood up and told this idiot NO, WE WON"T FOLLOW YOU.   From the moment that they decided to be sheep, it was wholesale mass murder.  

    Not that it makes much difference to anyone these days, but for those who might be interested - did you know that Mercedes Benz was involved in the death camps?  They were.  In the war, they were under contract to manufacture and provide the gas canisters that were used in the 'showers' at the death camps.

    Makes you wanna go out and buy one of their cars now, doesn't it?

  14. look at Stalins actions if you want a comparison.

    Stalins had a hand the the murder or more then hitler could ever dream  

  15. Why don't you rent and watch..."The Great Dictator" with Charlie Chaplain, for a start....hey..the guy was unnecessarily cruel, and promoted genocide, terror, and segregation, for you think those things are bad, or good?

  16.   Do you think someone who caused at least 25 million deaths should be considered 'bad'?  Maybe "horrible" is better?

  17. oh. he only killed 6 million Jews...nothing too bad.

    oh yeah, i almost forgot. he started world war 2

  18. Yes.  His regime was extremely oppresive, and anyone who did not agree with his policies, or who did not fit into his idea of what people should be like, was ruthlessly eliminated.

    Although the main target of his persecutions were the Jews, he had it in for a lot of other people as well.  Slavs, communists, homosexuals, Jehovah's Witnesses, anyone mentally or physically handicapped, anyone who offered the least criticism of n**i philosophy, all were to be exterminated.  He was an evil man.  The sad thing is that the majority of the German people, not to mention a sizeable number of people in the countries he conquered, embraced his foul ideas with enthusiasm.

    This is why I am a firm believer in the doctrine of Original Sin.  It is the only thing that makes sense of the wickedness of which human beings are capable.  We are all born with the capacity to do evil, and given the least encouragement, we will.

  19. Hitler was evil.  He was also he was a vegetarian.  n'uff said.

  20. The worst.

    And liberals even follow some his philosophies, such as a holocaust of the unborn and n**i-style gun control, leaving honest citizens helpless against criminals and thugs.

  21. Yes, he was really bad. The n**i party killed many people in order to gain power. Once he had the power, he made it possible to become a dicatator. Not only did he try to take over the world, he planned to elimate anyone who wasn't white. His actions resulted in WW2. Don't forget the Holucost. He was a terrible human being.

  22. He manipulated a country, dragged the world into war and exterminated 6 million jews. what do you think?!

  23. he had a very very wicked idea but it was actually the people who gave him power to do those things that were worst that him, the people who contributed. They could've just put him in jail...

  24. Yes of course....He is responsible for the deaths and abuse of millions, if you think he's not bad, imagine the many victims of the n**i's being your own family members and best friends, and even yourself.....After all they were real people with families, friends and lives....

  25. VERY VERY BAD!!!! hes kinda a MURDER!!!

  26. Yes. He was a VERY bad person. He killed millions of Jews in ways that are just horrendous.  

  27. Firstly, Hitler is dead, thank God. And yes, he was "bad". He promoted racial discrimination and ordered the killing of millions of innocent people who he was racially and ideollogically opposed to. He also used propaganda, which is considered bad because the messages he sent to Germans were lies. He encouraged racial hostility and it could be argued that he caused WWII.

    The only way that you could possibly argue that Hitler wasn't bad is by pointing to some of his talents as an orator and manipulator within the n**i party. But he used these skills for evil rather than good.

    It's great that you're making an effort to learn about him, by the way. It's important that we're aware of our world history so that the bad aspects don't repeat themselves.  

  28. Lied to millions to get them to accept those continue.

  29. Hitler is bad, he brought forth the uprising of n**i germany, and the mass slaughter of jewish people. Thus resulting in world war II.

  30. I can tell by your english, grammer, spelling, punctuation, and content, that you are not the brightest bulb on the the tree, get an education!!!

    Oh, your NOT going to get  one here.  You seem about elementary school level.  What a nut!!

  31. gosh your question doesn't even make sense!

    killing millions of innocent jews including women, children and babies due to pure racism... for you to read more on history and learn to think for yourself.... (and stop asking such stupid questions!)
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