
Is hitting the ball 250 yards with a 5 wood good?

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I was at the driving range today. Ever since I changed my grip I have been hitting the ball MUCH better. Anyways I estimated a few of my 5 wood shots to be around 250 yards (They reached the 250 yard flag) and my driver went to the back hill at the end of the driving range on my last shot of the day (About 290-300 yards). I am 17. I'm 5'10" and weigh 142lbs.

Keep in mind I was hitting the 5 wood flat off the ground mat (No tee)

How are these numbers for my size/age?




  1. It depends.  I hit my 5 wood about 210, which is plenty.  You want the ball flight to be quite high, so the ball lands soft.  If you are getting distance but a low ball flight then you are going to have problems holding the green.

  2. Distance is a curse and should be treated as such.

  3. What an egoistic question! Of course that is very good, and you know it is very good... Stop fishing for compliments!

  4. I would say so. My friend who has been playing golf for a while can barely get it to 250 with his driver.

  5. never trust driving range yardage. go to long par 3  or short par 4 to see if your hitting 250. But 250 with 5wood is very good. I hit that with my 3wood

  6. Is this a post just to stroke your ego? Uh... if you play golf, and it seems you do, you would know some averages...

    Rocco Mediate's driver is around the 280 mark. He's on the PGA Tour.

    I think you're ready to be on tour.

    The true question is... how many GIRs are you nailing since you have the opportunity for more, and how many putts do you have per round?

    Driver for show, putt for dough - as they say.

  7. that is very good for a 5 wood. how are you measuring your 250 is that 50 yards and plus away from the center line. what ever you do never trust your distance on the range as the balls that are being used are of bad quality known for just hitting. hit the course and verify your 5 wood distance with the balls you use to play. you will then see how well you hit which may be even more yardage of what you saw on the range or less but then since your on the course accurately making that 250 5 wood shot go towards the flag.

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