
Is hitting your mom wrong?

by  |  earlier

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is that wrong if she really pisses you off?




  1. I cannot even think of a reason that would ever make me hit my mom. You should be ashamed of yourself.  

  2. Yes it's wrong, i don't care how much she pisses u off. she brought u into this world, and u need to show respect. If u hit her, then u better get ur sorry *** over to her, apologize, and never do it again. Do u want to end up on Maury as one of those little brats who get their butts whiped into shape by those big army guys.;...

  3. yes, no matter how much she gets on ur nerves, she is your mom. If she is abusing you then u need to get her help, but don't beat her up. That whole raising you and taking care of you thing is kinda not easy.  

  4. In my opion, your mother was right on, my son and I had an arguement one time and he raised a hand at me, didn't hit me, but none the less raised a hand at me and got his face slapped, wouldn't have happened had he not raised his hand.  She is your mother, no matter how angry you get you don't hit her, she will be there thick and thin for you and she's not just there to be a friend her job is to raise you into a responsible adult, and responsible adults dont' hit their parents. Her slapping you is her right as a parent, she isn't abusing you from what you have here, just disciplining you as a parent should.  Not only that, but if she was like I was when my son raised his hand to me, she was in shock that you would even do that to her.  I didn't raise my son to do that with me and we are very close and at times I'm his friend, but I am always his parent first.  That sounds like what your mom is trying to do too.

  5. yepp its wrong, i bet you p**s her off alot and she dont hit ya each time lol. my mum tried to hit me ages ago n i tried to defend maself puttin me arms infront of me n i ended up punchin her by accident. then i kicked her in the leg as she walked away (i didnt plan to it jst happened) then as i went to storm out the house i went to shut the door n hit her in the face becuase i tried to close it without lookin where the handle was n she was in the way so i didnt see her. when i got back in my dad wasnt happy at all lol x

  6. you should never hit your mammy only if there is an outstanding reason, she brought you into this world and has the best intentions for you, NEVER HIT YOUR MAMMY NO  MATTER HOW BAD THINGS ARE! my mum and me have taken the smooth with the rough and believe me when it was rough we worked through it and even when it was ok we still talked, communication is the key and never forget that with any relationship,xxxx

  7. YES YES YES AND YES IT IS WRONG. Everyone gets pissed off by there mom but whatever shes your mom

  8. its never ok to hit your mother

    no matter how mad she makes you

  9. Yes it is wrong,but if she didn't raise you any better than that and she puts up with it, then she deserves what she gets.You wouldn't have hit my mom just for making you mad sage would have kicked your @ then the old man would have gave you a beat down when he came in.

  10. absolutely, you should never hit your mom.

  11. Yes it is wrong.  God says to obey your parents in the Lord for this is right (Ephesians 6:1).

  12. you should never ever hit your mother. no matter what

  13. she gave you life, and if you are trying to deffend your self then idk, but that is NOT ok, even if u are "pissed"

  14. If you had any question on your mind about it then most likely it is. You are prolly just trying to get a reaction out of people on here though....

    Edit: well since you actually hit her already .... hmmm... wow. you are a bad kid. What would ever make you mad enough to hit your mom!!!. you should be ashamed of yourself

  15. DUH. YESSSSSSSSS The fact that you even ask a bunch of strangers that question shows you have no respect. My god she gave you life, Maybe you should ask Any body know a good anger management counselor ?

  16. Yes hitting your mom is wrong. She gave you life and everything you have. She deserves your respect and you should never ever display violence toward her.  

  17. Unless she is abusing and beating you and trying to kill you and you have to defend yourself, then no.  If she is making you mad you need to talk to her about it, hitting is not appropriate at all.

  18. Are you Kidding!!!!  It is never right to hit a parent or grandparent, unless it is in defense of your life!!! I take it you are a teen-ager, right?  There will be many times your mom will p**s you off, but hitting will not solve the problem(S).  I can tell you where it will probably lead to and that's is very likely-mom will one day call the police and you will wind up with a bad record that will MESS UP your entire life!  Telling yourself that would never happen is only kidding yourself.  It most definitly can happen and has happened to many kids who think like you--hit first and never talk your problems out.  May I suggest talking to someone you can trust, and can talk to?  Ask for help to get family counsiling, learn how to solve your problems by talking and not hitting FOR YOUR SAKE!

  19. you got issues. you owe everything to your mother. she been working really hard to raise you and give you a good life as much as possible. All her sacrifices for you. How would you feel if you love this person unconditionally and been through so much sacrifice for them then they just hurt you, physically and emotionally.

  20. Yup yup, its wrong. Just hate the fact they can hit you :(

  21. yes just like if she hit you it would be wrong

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