
Is hizbollah stronger than israel?

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Is hizbollah stronger than israel?




  1. Not even close

  2. No, if they were, Israel would have ceased to exist long before now.

  3. No. If they were, Israel would not exist! They are fanatics who have to be overcome by their own people.

  4. NO, Israel has nukes, and an army.. not just a bunch of terrorist targeting innocent people like hezzbolla

  5. Consider that Hezbollah consider they won the last war against Israel.

    Its a strange sort of victory when th place being defended does not have two bricks standing one on top of the other.

    Israel has significantly more powerful military capability in terms of weaponry and training. They also are very aware they cannot afford to lose. World opinion is very important to Israel, however, world opinion was against Israel in the last war against Hezbollah. Hezbollah won the propoganda war.

    Hezbollah is stronger in terms of having a stomach for a protracted war of attrition. They have nothing to lose. A bunch of raving lunatics really.

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