
Is hobbling a good idea for a mare that is cinchy?

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I have the 6y/o which by the way is 4!!! She has been with the trainer and he hobbles her to cinch her. The first time was a long drawn out process, but she is responding better now. Any way that is my question. Also is that pretty much standard, or just the trainers technique?




  1. Hobbling this mare is just going to frighten her which is why she seems to be getting better - its fear.  This kind of treatment is going to just cause more behavioural problems in the long run.  There will be a reason why she doesn't like being saddled - you need to listen to her and change what you are doing, she is trying to tell you something.  Have your saddle checked by a master saddle fitter for starters.  It could be pinching her.  You could also get her back checked, she may be reacting against the fact you're then going to sit on her and cause her pain.  Just take your time with her and try and understand and work out the problem - quick fixes like this never work.  This is not standard in anyway.  Another good place for advice is always your vet.

  2. That is just plain cruel... and NO it's not standard!

  3. I have never heard off such a thing. I can't imagine hobbling to teach her anything other then to dislike being saddled. What does she do when you are trying to saddle her? I had a mare and if you tightened her saddle all at once she would fall over. I always tightened a little walked her in a circle or 2 and tightened some more. I did that a couple times until the saddle was tight. Try just doing a little at a time to let her adjust. Unless she is that horrible but I would certainly try something else.

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