
Is hockey addictive like crack?

by Guest61685  |  earlier

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OK so I've had limited experience with drugs, but when I go to an ice hockey rink I get really excited and pumped up like something major is going to go down. Sometimes I need to get to a bathroom I'm so excited!




  1. This, my friend, is the joy of hockey. It is legal drug. I dont get to the rink very much. so when I get to go, im usually there about 2 hrs early just to make sure I have the most possible time. When I get on the ice, I cant hardly breathe, I so excited.

    I must have more hockey to survive.

  2. Nice!  Thats what i like to hear.

    Now....*looks around*.....if you want to try the REAL good hockey "stuff", meet me here around mid April and i'll introduce you to some playoff hockey goods.  The regular season stuff you're getting is great, but trust me, the playoff stuff will have you in an emotional roller coaster.  Check back and ask for TDK.  I'll hook you up.....

  3. I would say hockey is good, but it isn't paramount to any drug.

    After playing/watching hockey, I don't a) shiver, b) wake up in an abandoned house, c) eat everything in the fridge, or d) preform oral s*x for tickets.

  4. you know what they say....crack is whack.  it's good you've found an outlet for your energy.  too bad more kids these days don't do that.

  5. OMG yes... I would take a good hockey game over any drug. there is nothing better than sitting at the arena watching your team win.

  6. I would have to say yes.  I have been suffering from some horrible horrible withdrawls in the offseason.

    OH MY GOD!!!!

    THE SPIDERS......THE BUGS!!!!!

    GET EM OFF ME!!!!! GET EM OFF ME!!!!!!


  7. Oh, yeah. And when the season's over, you gotta find something else to substitute for that crack. Personally, I golf like a heroin user shooting up. I also found a new addiction in my Blackberry....which is a...well, Crackberry...

  8. yes... but dont try to snort hockey....its cold

  9. I've been admitted 3 times to the Robert Probert cocaine/hockey rehab facility. It is the hardest drug to kick. I breezed through the coke part fairly easily...but the hockey habit ...I just can't kick. I need help!!

      You would at least think I could substitute beer for the coke...but NOoooooo!! And to top it off they wanted me to watch NFL to take the place of the NHL...gag...fools!!!

  10. well join the circle we r all hockey addicts here...we dont need Hockeyholics anonymous either

  11. As an addict in recovery for over 4 years, I have concluded that an addict can become addicted to ANYTHING to get by.

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