
Is home educating your kids legal in spain ?

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we currently educate our kids at home but we are moving to spain next year and so we would like to know if it legal there.?




  1. its should be

  2. probably best to check with the british consul. up until about 4 years ago it wasnt. also could be different in other provinces of spain.  good luck

  3. Yes it is. Someone just answered a Y!A question with something about this. If you google 'homeschool spain', there are several websites with legal and practical advice, as well as a country-wide support group.

    Good luck with the move, what a wonderful opportunity for your family and your children as far as homeschooling goes.

  4. Yes, it is legal. Your right to home educate is protected under Article 27, Section 1 of the Spanish Constitution.

    The umbrella group for home education in Spain is called 'Asociacion para la Libre Educacion'; their URL is:

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