
Is home schooling allowed in other countries?

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Is home schooling allowed in other countries?




  1. If you are an US citizen living outside of the US , yes it is, k12 has a program for those families.

  2. Yes

    It is allowed in Australia.

    A few years back you needed a qualified teacher to make up the lessons. Today it is easier, and many people do it.

    I believe the students still have to get tested by outside authority. If the students do badly they may be forced to go to regular school.

  3. in many countries it is still a privelege to go to school.   so yes, in some way "home schooling" is legal b/c its all they have is what "education" their parents can give to them.  but for those families  finding food is usually more important than any formal education....especially in countries where the class you are born into is the class you will stay in.

  4. Yes, many countries all over the world allow homeschooling.  I have friends online from several countries who homeschool.  Here is a listing of info for various countries:

    Germany is about the only country I'm aware of that outright refuses to allow families to homeschool.  Of course, many of their educational laws were set in place by Hitler, and haven't changed much since.

  5. Yes, homeschooling is allowed or tolerated just about everywhere, but in some countries authorities make it difficult to homeschool and are not supportive.  Thank goodness the US is NOT one of these!  Homeschooling is legal in all 50 of our States... :o)

    In Japan, homeschooling is not illegal, but it is not encouraged.  Those who want to homeschool in Japan are tolerated mostly because authorities find other more serious issues in their school systems to deal with.  

    In a very few countries it is outright illegal to homeschool, such as in Germany. Homeschooling has been illegal there since 1938 when Adolf Hitler tightened compulsory attendance laws that effectively banned private schools, which included home-based schools.

  6. In some, yes, in others, no.

  7. Yes, in some, nice links above, I was trying to find out the same thing, just did not get around to asking on Y!A yet.  It does not look like Norway is on that list :(

    found that Norway allows homeschooling

  8. a few countires do

    australia canada I think some scandinavian countires, UK

  9. Yes. With the exception of Germany, I've never heard of it being illegal anywhere else.

    (Oh, and in Australia, it depends where you live. Home education is the responsibility of each individual state - our's says you have to have 'educational objectives' and 'the resources to complete them'. We don't do any sort of testing etc...Oh and I'd love to see the state try to force us to go to school, lol! They'd have to build, furnish, equip, and staff a school first, seeing as the closest high school is a 16hr drive from our property; and the chances of a city-based, city-centred, city-obsessed government spending that amount of tax dollars on kids in the bush No-one in authority even knew there WERE kids growing up in the bush prior to the 1950s!)

  10. Nope, Germany for instance doesn't.

    I was there as an exchange students and a home schooling community was arrested, and this made major headlines.

    The family I was with was very surprised that it was 'normal' in the states...

    EDIT: I read the question wrong. I thought you asked: Is home schooling allowed in ALL other countries?

    I just know that Germany does not.

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