
Is home schooling for everyone?

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I am writing an essay on home schooling and would like all the information I can get on the subject.




  1. Homeschooling is for those who will actually do it.  So, no, it isn't for everyone.

  2. i'm gonna be home schooled starting next september. i don't know why people have such ridiculous ideas and judgements about's a very good way of learning if you're bullied at school, you find it hard to fit in, the classes are to hard...i'm going to do it because for the past 4 years i've being going to school in spain and i can't get into a good english school from here!! i guess i'll do it until sixth form. i think it's a good and effectived way of learning, but of course it's not for everyone. if you find it hard to make friends then it's not for you. or if you can't study alone without a class then it isn't either. but i think it's for me...of course, that's just my opinion


  3. I think homeschooling is great for all children, however many don't have parents that can or will live the homeschooling lifestyle.

    Homeshooling allows for children to thrive in an environment where they are free to learn at their own pace in their own way.  Rather than being confined for so much time in a classroom, homeschooling gives the opportunity to explore the world, and meet a wide variety of people from different cultures and backgrounds.  

    Obviously homeschooling varies greatly depending on how each family chooses to live.  It really is a lifestyle choice.  For me and my family it has been great!  

    Good luck on your essay :D

  4. it is not for everyone, some people can not deal with the isolation that homeschool brings with it, on the other hand if you join other things to make friends it shouldnt be a problem

  5. I answered your other question, "What is your opinion of homeschooling?"  

    You should begin to research the topic of homeschooling and get statistics, demographics, interviews, pros, cons (there aren't any), etc.  I say this because the pro-homeschoolers, like myself,   probably don't believe there are negatives to homeschooling.  However, the anti-homeschoolers believe there are many negatives, but have no facts, stats, or demographics to back them up.

    Research, research, and research some more . . .

  6. We love it, but no one type of education is right for everyone. You have to decide what is best for your student, your situation and the family as a whole.

  7. No I do not think it is for everyone.

    Some children have and are already being raised in an invironment where they may socalize with lets say 20 friends each day.

    I don't think that type of kid would be able to adjust to being at home with his mom or dad each day learning.

    Younger children and shy children may enjoy it but once they hit the teenage years they want to stay away from their home as much as possible.

  8. No. Some kids are social butterflies and need to be in a classroom to learn. Other kids need more personal work so being taught at home is better. And, for some, homeschooling is just a better way to go. You can pretty much work at your own pace (for the older kids) and can find ways to learn the material that suits your needs. It can be more fun and informative and allows for a deeper knowledge of the subjects. Some people have difficulty in that setting though. It can also stunt kids socially and make it harder for them to fit in with their peers. You have to look at each kid individually; what works for one may not work for another.

  9. No, definetely not. I would never be able to be homeschoolled becuase i mean how would you meet friends?? It just isnt for me. IDK how poeple deal with it

  10. No, it's not for everyone. Homeschooling takes alot of time and commitment on the part of the parents. Not all parents are willing or able to make the commitment. I do believe that any child can benefit from homeschooling, but only if the parent is willing to take the time to teach them.

  11. Homeschooling[1] ( also called home education), home learning or homeschool[1] – is the education of children at home, typically by parents or guardians, rather than in a public or private school. Prior to the introduction of compulsory school attendance laws, most childhood education occurred within the family or community, with only a small portion of the population attending schools or employing tutors or governesses. Currently, the great majority of children in developed nations receive their formal education in public and private schools.

    In many places homeschooling is a legal option for parents who wish to provide their children with a different learning environment than exists in nearby schools. Some of these families make this choice on religious grounds. Many do it because of a dissatisfaction with the schools in their area or with the institutional effect of school in general. Others do it because their children are being bullied and abused by other children or teachers. It is also an alternative for families living in isolated rural locations and those who choose, for practical or personal reasons, not to have their children attend school.

  12. No, not everyone because not every parent would WANT to do it and it's definitely something you need to choose to do for it to work.

    If you're interested in the pros and cons for your essay I suggest a quick search of Y!A because there are many, many long and detailed answers to that question.

  13. home schooling is DEFINITELY not for everybody. BUT, it is an amazing alternative to dirty, disappointing public schools. i am in a co-op. its also a great alternative to home schooling, and public school. a CO-OP, is where parents and students all gather together, and have classes like a public school where u switch rooms in a building, and have different parents teachings your different classes, BUT, it isn't as provocative and risky as going to public schools. parents can still be involved in their kids lives, but their kids still have a chance to socialize and come out of their shell. its really cool, and i love it. i don't want to go to public school, because it is just an awful place, but homeschooling is to lonely...

    so, homeschooling works for people though! people who have large families, or are really involved in other activities, and need flexible schedules. or kids that have a hard time around peers. it is a great alternative, but i prefer co-ops!

  14. No, homeschooling isn't for everyone. And I say this as a homeschooling parent!

    It isn't for the truly dysfunctional family--abuse, severe enough emotional/mental issues, parents who do nothing but argue, etc.

    It isn't for parents who can't handle spending that much time with their kids.

    It isn't for families where the parents aren't willing to learn and improve themselves.

    It isn't for a number of kids whose sense of 'life' is so tied up with what they learned in school they aren't quite able to adapt.

    It isn't for families where the parents aren't willing to work to meet the kids' needs.

    And, even if it does work well for a family for a long time, it doesn't mean that it'll always be the right thing throughout all school years.

  15. Just like with every choice of education, homeschooling isn't for everyone.  Parent's especially for the younger years have to be really involved in their learning.  For some this may not be possible because both parents may have to work full time jobs.  It could be done with both parents working but it would be harder to do.  

    Still other parents may feel they don't have the ability to homeschool their children.  A lot of times that isn't the case but that is how they feel so they don't homeschool.

    Another reason someone may not homeschool their children is because they are single parents and have to work to support their family.  This as with both parents can be done (I am generalizing here) but it is very hard.

    The decision to homeschool is a very personal decision.   There are many reasons why people choose to homeschool just as there are many reasons why people choose to send their children to public and private schools.  Parents do what they feel is best for their families.

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