
Is home schooling mainly done by families that are super religious?

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Is home schooling mainly done by families that are super religious?




  1. In a word: No.

    A report I saw recently cited 'less than 10%' for the number of families who homeschool owing to any religious reasons, 'super' or otherwise..

    Religion was certainly the very last thing my parents considered when deciding to home-educate me and my siblings.

    (My mum describes herself as 'a very lapsed Catholic' and Dad believes in 'the great sky spirit' -- my dad is incredibly spiritual but not a bit religious; in fact, we're not a religious family at all)

  2. The percentage seems to depend on your location. I do not homeschool for religious reasons, but most of the people I encounter in my area do. It is my understanding from friends who homeschool elsewhere that outside of the Bible Belt I would not be such a minority. I homeschool to provide a superior education to the one that was available to my child in the public school system. I have grown to appreciate the opportunities homeschooling provides for my family outside of academics. My kid does not have trouble making friends with non-homeschooled children.

    Side note: Anyone who thinks evolution means humans evolved from monkeys has a very limited understanding of evolutionary theory. Do your kids a favor and expand that understanding.

  3. Well, I am a Christian, and you would probably say I am "super religious" (whatever that means, it gives me the mental image of a guy in red tights wearing a cape and brandishing a Bible).

    Anyway, my faith was not the main reason I chose to homeschool, but I see a side benefit of homeschooling is that I can freely weave my faith throughout the curriculum if I wish.

    As far as numbers, the few studies that exist show that there are more religious homeschoolers than non religious homeschoolers, but that is actually a reflection of the general population, because around 80% of Americans say they believe in God.  That means that there are also more religious people sending their kids to Public School than non religious people, but no one asks if that means that the Public School is only for religious people.

    If you want to see why I chose to homeschool, see my answer to this question:;...

    Remember to look for "Thrice Blessed" to see my answer.

  4. no it can also be for people who are expelled or have a school phobia or just dont want to go to school or becasue they have a disease like tourettes or because they have a disease that requires a lot of bed rest adn they dont want to have to repeat their grade.

  5. Homeschooling fits the needs of  variety of families from the super religious to those who are not religious at all.

    Extremely religious families may choose to homeschool in order to teach their children their religion and shelter them from others.  However there are also religious families who homeschool for academics, special needs, or other reasons.

    Some religious families who homeschool purposely avoid using a religious curriculum because it may not fit their specific beliefs or is not the best one for their children academically.

    There is also a large group of secular homeschoolers who are not religious.  For more information, look at Secular Homeschooling:

    Baby Center and iVillage both have message boards that are inclusive, meaning they accept people of all beliefs.  Another great inclusive message board is The Homeschool Library:

  6. We homeschool for the freedom and flexibility it offers our family, and for the added time together it gives us.  We do not subscribe to a religious curriculum, although many in our rural area do.  There are many reasons to home school.  I think most families that home school are very happy with the experience, as we have been.  It seems many people still assume all home schoolers are religious misfits, which is sad, since we really represent a diverse group overall.

  7. I think as well as being religious families, there are a fair number of home-schooled kids from families who are definitely not religious, and don't want their kids to have to go to a school where prayers, the 'nativity story' etc. are taught as if they're definitely true.

  8. In my area, I would say 75% or more of home schooled kids are from very religious families.

  9. While I am a person of faith. This was not a major factor in the decision to home school my family. The major factors were that my oldest still couldn't subtract after a year and a half of second grade. The teachers wanted my 4 yo son on ADHD meds. Where are their medical degrees? And my daughter was being bullied on the bus.  

    I also home school because the education received in a PS is not a true education! True education teaches all side of a story!! Intelligent Design and Evolution! You don't have to name a "god" just teach the concept as a viable theory! After all can any one prove with out a doubt that Evolution is a fact? NO!

  10. no. the present educational system stinks on ice if i get started on my rant ill be typing till 2023 or so but the point is ppl do it because present day schools stink on ice and revolve around busywork and going through the motions and not understanding doing this busywork drains ppl of their curiosity and desire to learn and some parents want to stop this schoolbased damage from being done to their kids ima homeschool mine if i ever have any and am actually trying to homeschool myself now though thats besides the point

  11. I think quite a high percentage is that, but, there are many factors and reasons. I was home schooled, and while my family are religeous, the sole reason was because my parents and I now, think school is an unnatural, and cruel enviroment. While people say, oh its good because you can socialize and things, a home schooled child can have a far more varied social experience, and more time to do so.

    Other reasons may be

    Mental retardation in the child

    general preferance, to be with parents/family

    or like you said, religion.

    Again, parents don't need to have teaching expeirence either. My parents didn't and I'm a doctor ;).

  12. Nope.  Homeschooling is done by families of all backgrounds, religious beliefs (or lack thereof), political leanings, socioeconomic standings, ethnic groups, educational levels, and any other demographic you can think of.

    What do you consider "super religious"?  Is a family that attends church, prays before meals, and believes their sacred book "super religious"?  Then yes, I suppose many homeschool families are.  I don't personally consider this super religious...I consider it pretty normal.  Most people that I know, wherever they send their kids, practice this in some form or another.  

    Or do you consider "super religious" to be someone goes door to door on a regular basis, is in church daily (and isn't the pastor), refuses to have a real friendship with anyone outside their church, refuses to let their children read or watch anything that doesn't line up with their beliefs, and keeps themselves closed off from the rest of society?  I don't know anyone, really, who does this.  There are several hundred, easily a thousand, homeschooling families within an hour radius of me, and I know no one who does this.

    Hope that helps!

    Max - I respect your answer :)

    On the evolution thing - I don't teach my son that it's fact, and I don't teach him that it isn't.  I let him research all sides of the issue (evolution, ID, creation) and come up with his own conclusion.  It's impossible to know 100%, so I teach him to decide for himself.  That's a decision that I believe people have to make for themselves, after they've done the research.  :)

  13. I home school  my children, and I am not relgious. Some people do it for relgious reasons but not most.

  14. Not exactly. But just like people in school, some are. Some are not.

    And to 'hsmomlovinit" just to answer your question from my personal viewpoint of what I would consider to be "super religious" are a few things.

    If you don't teach your child that evolution is fact. I would probably consider you in the ball park of "Super religious''.

    And the rest are alot of the things you asked, Pray before meals, only want their kids being with people inside their faith, Etc.

    Just my 2 cents though.

  15. that's less and less the demographic of homeschoolers. I am an atheist who runs an online group for secular homeschoolers that has grown to a membership over 200 moms in less than a year.

  16. A lot of people may think that, but not really. At my school, there are these religious people who have to pray during school hours. But it all depends.

  17. Nope. I'm an athiest and there is no religion at all in my curriculum besides what we talk aabout in cutural or historical studies that involve the religion of other cultures or ancient civilizations. Mom just started going to church for her own benefit a few months ago but doesn't talk with me about it because she knows I don't share her beliefs and respects that. She also only puts an emotional belief in god because feels she needs it due to personal problems. She doesn't let it change her view on scientific facts or anything. Grandma was raised catholic but doesn't really go to church anymore. Dad wasn't religious at all when he was with us and only said graace on holidays when we had all of the family over for dinner. My older brother who no longer lives with us is a methodist, and the other one is christian, so we're an eclectic family.. And religion had nothing to do with our homeschooling. I'm the only one my mom decided to homeschool, and it only started about 3 years ago due to the low standards in public schools, and the low expectations the schools had for their blind students.

    Sorry for all the typos and the bit of rambling. I just recently came home from the ER and am not thinking very clearnly...Horseback riding accident. long story. Poke me parivately if your'e interested.

  18. I'm in homeschool because my dads old fashioned and a pastor so yeah it seems like it. But a lot are troubled kids too who cant be nice in school =P

  19. I think so.  The only people I know who have done home schooling were extremely religious.  It seemed that one mother I know in particular does not want her children talking to any children outside of their church.  I think they are afraid that the children may have free will and think for themselves if they aren't sheltered and brainwashed sufficiently first.

    I have to add.  My son is ADHD, and I have considered it myself, so I can see where people would use it for behavior or special needs issues...or illness.  I have only known a handful (4 families) personally, and even though NONE said it was due to religion, they were all extreme on the religious spectrum.  One said that public schools were a "bad environment." The majority of home schooled children (without a disability) are from religious families even if that is not why they say they are homeschooling.

  20. No, homeschooling is done by a variety of families for a vast number of reasons. There are some whom do it to incorporate more of the religion the believe in into the education of their children, but on the other hand most statistics state that their is a small number whom do it for religious reasons.

  21. It's a good portion of it, yes.

    Every home-schooled person I met had very religious parents who tried to censor certain aspects of education, such as evolution and history.

  22. omg...certainly not!

    I was homeschooled for major bully in school.By kids and teachers alike.Also I had a eating disorder that needed some attention as well as other mental disorders.

    My family was religious.But in no way super religious! haha Big'm not a genius!

  23. most certainly not, were not overly relgious, for us its only about education. It has nothing to do with religion for us.

  24. I don't think so. I am not super religious and may not even be considered religious (as I don't attend church or pray or anything like that). Yet, I have considered homeschooling my children. I feel like the public schools in my area are failing children and are not good environments for many students.

    I think homeschooling is a great alternative to public schools because it is cheaper than private schools and the majority of private schools are religion based.

  25. No, it's not

  26. I honestly do not want someone teaching my children that human beings came from monkeys....but that's just me....

  27. They seem to be a high percentage of the home schooled kids.

  28. Omg...I know dozens of homeschool families personally, and NONE are super religious. I know hundreds from conferences and yahoo groups, and not one is super religious. I mean, they may be of a religious group, but none of them homeschool to teach a religion or because they have a religious exception to public schools. I know more people in private schools who are super religious.

    I assume by religious you're referring to radical pentecostal christianity? Most of the homeschoolers I know are pagan or atheists, several Muslims and Jews, and some Christians. But no one radical.

  29. no! lots of families homeschool their children just because they don't like the school system!

  30. While many of our homeschooling friends homeschool for religious reasons, most homeschool due to the fact that public school are inadequate or the socialization environment is inappropriate.  We began homeschooling due to medical reasons but continue to homeschool because we know we are doing a better job in a healthier environment that what public schools could.

  31. I don't think that's the case where I live, but I have to admit to not being a part of the one support group that would have the most religious homeschoolers in it.

    Of all the people I've ever met who homeschooled, I'd say maybe a handful were super religious. Many are quite unreligious. The rest may have a religion, but I certainly don't qualify it as "super" religious.

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