
Is home schooling right for this situation?

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Is a situation where a teenager has been getting picked on since they started school, have tried counseling, and now the problem has stemmed into school related depression call for home schooling. I need a second opinion. An article or web address would be great, but first hand expiriences are good too.




  1. Okay, think about what you just asked. If my child were in that position there is no way I would leave him in school.  Web site or not. It sounds like you already know that but for some reason you think it needs to be validated. I am not sure why.  Don't let people destroy your kid, take your kid out of school, rebuild the kids self esteem, and teach him at home.  Make the kids life worth living and more fun.

  2. It depends on how much you are available for your student at home, how much the support the school provides and the quality of your relationship with your teen. I think alot of families benefit from home schooling if the above parts fit together nicely.

  3. Homeschooling is good in any situation where the family is going to be supportive and helpful. There are lots of websites supporting homeschooling, lots of books, lots of articles.

    Try finding a homeschool group or association in your area and talk to people one on one about it.

  4. Yes, this is a situation where homeschooling would be ideal.

  5. Homeschooling is right for nearly every situation where public school is not working out for whatever reason.  If the problem is severe enough that it is causing depression for a teenager, counseling is not working, and the bullying is continuing-my opinion is that it is probably the best thing to do.

    I am not sure what type of articles or web addresses you are searching for.  In order to find out the laws regarding homeschooling in your state, visit  You can also find links there for organizations in your area that support homeschooling and homeschoolers.

    I hope this helps, and wish you the best!

  6. Homeschooling sounds like a great option. I'd be depressed too if I were going to work everyday and getting picked on with no option to find another job.

    Homeschooling gives a teen control...good control. Get The Teenage Liberation Handbook and your child will be inspired and hopeful again.

    Warm Regards,


    Mom or 2 Teen Homeschool Boys

  7. Yes I agree, this warrants a child to be homeschooled.  I am in a similar situation and will be homeschooling my 13 y/o in the fall

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