
Is homeschooling easy?

by Guest33350  |  earlier

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is it easier to be homeschooled or to go to a school?

and which is funner?

and what are some programs? :)




  1. When I was Homeschooling the school work was harder.  My mother used a curriculum called "Seton Home Study School".  I found the public school work very easy.  Public school was funner because there are people to talk to and there is free time between when the teacher is done and when the bell rings.

  2. Why would you want it to be easier or more fun?

    Wouldn't it be a better idea to want something challenging and rewarding?

    We are eclectic and create our own curriculum based on my son's goals, interests and abilities.

  3. For me homeschooling is harder. It depends what route you take. You could be homeschool by computer, parent, hospital homeschool (only elidible be referall from phscoligist and only goes up to four weeks), or by registered teacher. I'm homeschool by my mom. Sometimes it fun but you actually learn when you are homeschool. Now a days all school worry about is the fcat. It works around you advantage to. You can go places that you need to and not have to be absent when you need to go to appointments

  4. It can be whatever the parent makes it.  Harder or easier...

  5. Homeschooling is by far ALOT better...

    But it can be easier it depends on which programs you use...My mom worked us HARD...But we were really advanced at a young age and i thank her for it now! I enjoy homeschool better! Ive been to both...But i REALLY loved college to!!! The BEST program ever is Abekka!

  6. I don't know what you mean by easier.  Public school usually has more strict structure and deadlines but Home school is just as real and not just a piece of cake.  You can usually sleep in later which helps you concentrate though :D

    Home school is focused on learning your way and enjoying it.  I would say there's a lot less drama and tears and a lot more actual hands-on, fun learning.  There are so many curriculums out there.

    Try for some ideas.

    Hope this helps but remember: school isn't supposed to be all fun and games.  You need to take it seriously but enjoy it at the same time.


  7. well its not too difficult cuz u work at ur own pace.

    i guess goin to skul is funner cuz u hve more of a social life...

    pennfoster is a known homeschooling program...

    u can check out da websyt at

  8. Homeschooling, I would imagine, would be harder because colleges and universities look mainly at extracurriculars lately and if you are not in a school environment there is not much chance for you to get involved in extracurricular activities. Also, you will not socialize as much if you get homeschooled. Some programs that you can have at a school are clubs (such as drama club, science club, math team, etc.) and student government.

    Good luck!

  9. The subjects are the same. It is only easier if you learn better with one on one teaching in a home environment.

    My daughter thinks it is more fun, but that is her purely subjective opinion.

    We don't use a program, we just learn. We create out own curriculum.

    EDIT: "if you are not in a school environment there is not much chance for you to get involved in extracurricular activities." Actually, the opposite is true. You have far more opportunity for extracurricular activities and homeschoolers do not have trouble getting in to most schools and are in fact courted by ivy league universities.

  10. A lot depends on the person, but I can give you our experience:

    It is easier, and more challenging at the same time.

    Easier because there is not a lot of repetitive rote work that gets tedious, when you have trouble you can really stop and go over it as much as you need, you can take breaks and vacations when you want and create your own schedule.

    It is more challenging because to be productive you have to challenge yourself, you have to be self-motivated and be willing to push yourself towards success.

    Which is more fun really depends on the person-- my kids love homeschooling-- they love their co-op and the classes they take, love all the field trips and all the activities they are involved in, love that they do a lot more hands-on work than book work, love that when a subject really grabs their interest they can really immerse themselves in it, they get to choose what they read and what they write and how they do their projects. We do a lot of creative things, so in our home, our kids consider homeschooling is more fun than school.

    We don't use a particular program; we learn what interests us or what we happen to stumble upon that we feel we need.

  11. That's kind of like asking is public school in Chicago easier than in NY? It'll depend a whole lot on how it's done. Which is more fun will depend on how it's done. Programs? Do you mean online or a full-package curriculum, or things like workshops, classes, etc., set up for homeschoolers? There may be co-ops or a multitude of activities for homeschoolers going on near you. As for curriculum or online programs, there are many, many. K12, Connections Academy, A Beka, BJU, Alpha Omega and many more.

  12. home schooler would be worse because people forget about u. u dont see girls cant hang out with you friends either

  13. Yes and no.

    Neither one could be labeled as entirely easier or harder than the other.

    Same for fun. For the most part, people can have fun at either place, just different kinds.

    I personally think homeschooling is easier, and more fun, than public schools. For the same reason, even, because we are granted with the right to choose what and when we learn. We can hang out with friends to learn, or just play, at any time day or night.

    It can be hard for people, especially those parents who were raised in public schools and may be limited in their ability to think outside of the box. Many people get past that quickly though.

    Programs? What do you mean? Homeschooling programs? Extracurricular programs? Craft and sports?

  14. well it all just depends.

    there's way too many things you

    have to take into consideration

    before anyone can decide.

    its more of a personal decision.

    school is what they call traditional.

    going to a high school you get:

    -to be in school of course

    -free education

    -prom, graduation, && all those goodies

    home schooling is non-traditional.

    -can be takin either at home or online

    -can be costly

    -none of the goodies



    a good site to look at though for online high

    school diplomas is

    depending on the classes you need depends on

    how much it'll cost you.

    good luck :)

  15. you must go to school to develop social skills needed later on in life!

  16. This is a great question for me, because i'm homeschooled. Ok, first off, it is easier to be homeschooled, you can go at your own pace or faster if you want to get to college sooner! Homeshooling is not fun. I've been doing it for 2 years. I get really lonely and sometimes depressed. I wish i could go to a normal school sometimes. Well, you take the programs for your grade and additional classes like p.e. or art stuff like that. Hope I Helped answer your question. ~
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