
Is homeschooling right for me?

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I am a 14 year old girl, and

i am considering homeschooling for my freshman year of high school.

I am advanced in most of my classes and

i am considered "gifted" by the state of Ohio.

I am a straight A student and im kind of getting bored.

I don't have a million friends but i have a few good ones.

My family life is kind of hectic and i get stressed out a lot too.

Should i like homeschool myself / take online programs?

Or continue with public school (which i don't like hate or anything I just don't like teachers and getting up early)?

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  1. Homeschooling would be a great way for you to advance.  It also helps prepair you better for collage.

  2. I think homeschooling offers so many opportunities that it can be a much better lifestyle and therefore education than public school.  

    If you homeschool you will have time to pursue your own interests, and make up your own schedule.  You will spend more time in the world outside of the classroom.  You can still take classes, but they won't be as time consuming.  

    I recommend unschooling.  It seems like you would do well with that.  Read "The Teenage Liberation Handbook" by Grace Llewelyn.  It has lots of ideas for people in your situation.

    Good luck :D

  3. You could do bothif you want to excell. Ill give you my advice. I was doing good in school(straight a's) had some problems at home.. so my mother kicked me out of her house and i moved in with my dad a few months ago. I got really depressed, and started failing my classes. I didnt have verey many friends because i transferd schools. I didnt see any point in going to a public school. My dad didnt make me go anyways. So i decided i would try homeschooling. Now im a 15 year old "drop out" basically. I wish i could go back to school. I hate sitting at home every day waiting for my freinds to get home from school. I was a sophomore.. And i really regret getting out of school.  ive tryed online programs.. and they just dont cut it. Honey everybody has there own kinda stress but they still get up and work or go to school. Just think about that. And about getting up early, thats just preparing you for life.

  4. Only you can decide this question for yourself.

    There is a book written for teens such as yourself.  Check it out.

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