
Is homosexuality a matter of choice or genetics?

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Does anyone know where I can find the suicidal rate amongst young homosexuals compared to that of young heterosexuals?




  1. i cant believe that people are still asking this question.  it has been proven over and over again that it is NOT a choice.  it is simply genetics.  people! you need to step out of the dark ages.  

    i'm all for God , but the Lord also gave you a brain. SO USE IT!

    (and if you don't , i'm pretty sure its a mortal sin LOL)

  2. Choice. People choose to be g*y much like some choose to believe in God.

    No one is born being g*y or atheist anymore than anyone is born being a murderer or a rapist.

  3. I think it's a choice. Here's why.  As humans how we react, live and conduct ourselves for the most part are learned behaviors.

    Unlike other animals we possess a brain that allows us to reason and make choices, as to how we live our lives.

    That some of us have a disposition to be homosexual or Bi I think is irrelevant.  Because you want something doesn't mean you have to choose to do it.  (There are many people with very violent tendencies that never act on them).

    That said It's a choice,  right or wrong that's another issue for each of us to determine based on the value system we have learned throughout our individual lives.

    food for thought....  If we were all homosexual we would cease to exit within a few generations.

  4. genetic, because if they could choose to be homosexual why would they when religious pigs criticize them>

  5. For people who think it is a choice... Think about that... How easy would it be for you as a straight person, to merely choose to be g*y for the remainder of your lifespan, to be discriminated against, likely horrify your parents and friends who won't understand, and marry the same s*x, merely on a lark. You are sitting around one day, and you think... I'm going to start having s*x with the same s*x instead of the opposite s*x.

    That sounds like a logical scenario to you ? Even if you had the conviction and willpower to do so, Why would you, unless you were in fact homosexual ?

    Note: Whether you act on it or not, does not change that you are either heterosexual or homosexual. If someone was a virgin but they were attracted to the same s*x, they are homosexual, and the same would apply for heterosexuals. Homosexuals could not choose to be attracted to the opposite s*x anymore then you could choose to be attracted to the same s*x. The best they could do, is living a lie...

  6. i think homosexuality very much relates to the spiritual world.....I think everyone has issues, and the devil can "tempt" people into homosexuality......and they can either accept or reject the temptation, based on whether or not they'll run to God.

    You're not sinning until you're acting on it.

    BTW. i'm not saying homosexuals are bad people, just the sin itself.

  7. Choice,sin IS A CHOICE.

  8. i would have to say genetics

  9. Homosexuality is a choice, many have had a history of homosexual or L*****n ancestors, and that spirit is passed down to those descendants. This is what is called a generational curse. Having said that you choose if you want to stay in that curse or break that curse. The only way to break that curse is through Jesus Christ. A person can repent and tell him to break that curse. Because even though God detests homosexuality and lesbianism, he loves those people. But he wants them to change those ways that are displeasing to him. His original plan was and still is, is for a man to be with a woman, and that's the way it should be. God bless you! Thank you for the question.

  10. scientists have done research and it's not just a choice. they think it could be genetics, environmental factors, or both.

  11. I believe it's a matter of choice.  Choice is the greatest thing God has given us on earth.  Not all religious people are pigs and not all Christians criticize Homosexuals either.  The person before me doesn't know what she is talking about.

  12. I'm goin 2 have to say its a little bit of both.  You are born with those thoughts and those feelings, but you also have a choice whether of not you act on them.  I'm not saying you have to hide who you are I'm just sayin you have a choice whether you do or not.  But being g*y isn't any body's faults it's how they feel and you shouldn't judge them for that

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