
Is homosexuality accepted in India?

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Do u have any g*y friends and do you approve of them? what ur stand on this?




  1. What does this have to do with your question about  homosexuals in India?

  2. it is not

    their prince or someone in the royal family came out and was disowned by his people and his own mother

    i have a g*y friends and i support them all i can

    but we cant expect support for g*y people in third world countries where they still don't see all human beings as equals

  3. Interesting question. I guessed "no" and it seems that guess was right.

    But I'm pretty sure there is a g*y rights movement there; such things have sprung up all over the world. You might want to look into finding who is taking up this issue.

    I, myself, have no problem with g**s; I also live in an area that's generally tolerant (though not all individuals here are). But I live not far from San Francisco, in California.

  4. No it is not.

    We indians have a strong ideas on s*x.

    We wont prefer to have a g*y friend. But some might be having because of same mind set and may be faced the same problemsd in their life.

  5. No Homosexuality is not excepted in India,cant you get killed for it. I am a L*****n and I approve of myself and all sexualities. I do not know why people have issues with love. Homosexuals love just like a straight couple or a bi couple, Why homosexuals are called child molesters is outrageous guess what, statistics show that a straight male is the top contributer to rape and child molestation,then a straight women next,much more uncommon, but homosexuals did not even make the list, so stay out of there business if they want marry there lover,what business is it of yours, your not in there room, and if they want to adopt, wow you mean someone is not selfish,they will take an unwanted child and love them like no one has ever. I think what makes people hate homosexuals is  FEAR and IGNORANCE.

  6. Ofcourse not, if my boyfriend's parents cannot even accept his "gori" girlfriend, how on earth will they ever understand g*y people? Tell you what though, I have spend long periods of time in Udaipur and there is quite a big g*y scene there, but certainly not out in the open....

    And wrt what I think of g*y people? I truly could not care one way or another what anybody's sexual predilection is.... really....

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