
Is homosexuality natures way of slowing down population growth?

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Is homosexuality natures way of slowing down population growth?




  1. I don't think so. Homosexuality occurs with many animals, regardless of population. Scientists are still debating over the true cause/reason/purpose for homosexuality.

  2. Now your thinken! I doubt it, but anything is possible. Maybe they should let more g*y couples adopt and that would help the problem. Any looser out there can make a life but no one seems to want the responsibility of taking care of it.

  3. I don't believe it's natures way of slowing population growth at all. I don't really understand what it is to be homosexual, but I believe that certain people are just born that way. As i said I don't know what it is to be homosexual, but I don't believe that there is anything basically wrong or bad about homosexual people.we're all different in many ways.I accept people who are homosexual just as I do people of different race or religions.

  4. That's a very interesting idea. My apprehension with that speculation is that homosexuality dates back to the greeks, but It could be plausible. After all there are reptiles that change genders when their species are in threat of going extinct. So nature may work to achieve the opposite effect? Who knows.

  5. no, homosexually has always been around.  Its  biological issue.  Normally it would be harmful for the species, but humans have such a large population we do not need them breeding.  So there is no issue with it.

  6. I dont think so because I seen lesbians getting pregnant to reproduce.  just like that "man" that got pregnant, but it was really a girl with a s*x change.

  7. It's just a biological defect, we have many mutations, some help and some do not in the scheme of evolution.

    In our society though we should not look down on or persecute these people because it does not make them less of a person in a productive society.  They chose to be homosexual just as much as heterosexuals choose their orientation.

  8. No its natures way of leaving more girls for me

  9. No, disease is and only 10% of the population is homosexual. So you can't say that is a valid reason. Your born g*y, and animals are g*y. So unless we start seeing 60% or more living things in this world homosexual then you should worry.

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