
Is horrible cramping in my stomach a sign of fertilization or conception? we have been trying and i ovulated

by Guest21522  |  earlier

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the 5th through the 8th and we did the deed all those days so it is very possible and are still going to continue the deed but could this be the reason for my horrible stomach cramping and nausea feeling lately? or am i more likely getting a flu?




  1. Guess what? Flu like symptoms are the first sign, and can start as early as 1 week after conception.  The cramping is probably the uterus stretching. If you did the deed...a lot... then you probably did conceive. Tender breast will be another sign, but that never happened to me. Girl if you believe in God and you asked for a baby, he will give you one when he knows the time is right. All these teenagers that get pregnant, that is just his way of putting them to trails and tribulations, but I'm sure he will give you one soon. Like in 9 months. Email me if you want to .

  2. I had cramping from the time I conceived until about Week 5 of pregnancy.  At times, the cramping was very strong, but there was never any bleediing so I knew it was probably okay and it was.

  3. It could be. I would keep your fingers crossed and keep praying.

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