
Is how one runs their household a reflection of how they conduct business?

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Case in point.

Gov. Palin is a proponent of abstinence education as a form of s*x education. Her 17 year old daughter is pregnant.

Gov. Palin is a proponent of family values. Yet, she has a pending case against a family member.

So, if one cannot run their household the way they expect everyone else to, how can they conduct the same business outside of the household effectively?





  1. To some degree your question has some merit. However, one ingredient you miss is each of us are responsible for our own actions. In the case of her daughter, she is the individual who made the choice to be in a position to get pregnant. IN the pending case (Oh -pending?) we will have to wait and see the result. I'm not sure about you (you might be the exception) but most people I know (including myself) have been accused sometime during their life of something that wasn't true. The difference is most never go to court and do not involve celebrity status people.

  2. No.

    And if you attack Palin now, you were probably never going to vote for McCain in the first place.  SO much for the compassionate liberal fighting for civil rights- what hypocrites!!!!!

  3. Look at what she's done for Alaska. Her daughter is a private matter.

  4. No, I don't think so.

    You imply that had she been a proponent of teaching birth control, her daughter would not have become pregnant.  I bet I can find some other kids, at least a couple, in the US that have become pregnant in towns and states that do teach birth control.  So is that a reflection of anything?

    Are you also implying that having legal issues with a family member means you cannot run for office if you are for family values?  Can you imagine all those who would be out of a job?  I hate to break it to you, most democrats actually care about "family values" too.

    There are many successful business people (movie stars, executives, politicians) who have poorly run households.  Just look at John Edwards.  Very poor choices at home, but yet very successful attorney and in his career.

  5. this isn't a true question.  it is a statement with a question mark.  if you want a true unbiased opinion, then place the question, without the further comments in the business forum.

    In all actuality, the question in the heading does bring forth a valid debate.  The case in point of your "question" makes it a rant.

    who is running for VP?  Gov. Palin, or her family?

    the narrow mind will say her family.  The same narrow mind said the opposite with Clinton and Carter.

  6. Lets not leave out the fact that she hired a Lobbying firm to gain federal earmarks on spending bills for pork projects in her little town of 6,700 to the tune of $27 million dollars. She is such a reformer, NOT!

  7. frankly, politics aside, yes. i look at signs into how people treat different aspects of their lives to determine how they handle issues. if a person was a cokehead, but a great employee, do you think he'd still hold onto his job once the cat was out of the bag? of course not.

  8. No and when you can watch 5 kids 24/7/365 get back to us.  Oh and Obama says to shut up and leave the family out of politics.

  9. Why don't you first apply this to your own house and then apply the same standard to every elected office of the house, senate, congress, mayors and all.  There would be very few left standing, and probably not even your own house, with your standards.

  10. I guess you done everything your parents told you.

    She is giving her daughter the love and support she needs. I thought that was what family values were all about.

    Should she do like Obamas dad, just forget about them and do what you want?

  11. The fact is that you cannot properly stand in the public eye and say that you are an advocate for abstinence and then at the same time you own child has made the decision to have s*x before marriage.  So if she were to continue down that path of being an advocate for this, then she will be seen as a hypocrite.  I think that this is really a personal matter, but what it does is it gives the American people a look into her life and what she believes.  I think that it also shows what can happen if you put your career before your family.  I'm not saying she is a terrible mother, however I am saying that if you are a parent who holds abstinence high then the likelihood of your child getting pregnant before time, decreases.  The bottom line is that Palin now has to decide what she will say now and how she will handle this.  

  12. i can not agree more then this, you are totally rigth

  13. I don't know, let's ask Hillary, John Edwards, Al Gore and others that have had issues...


    Palin is an advocate for abstinence ... her daughter didn't get that message from her mother.

  15. You are exactly right.  If anyone doesn't think this is directly related to the election and the values and teachings the McCain / Palin candidacy promote then they are dead wrong.

    This shows you exactly how well abstinence s*x ed teaching works for a 17 year old.  This proves the teaching she promotes doesn't work.  The presidency may have the opportunity to mandate how your child is taught.  Do you want how your child is taught to be mandated by someone that failed in their own household?  Guess what, I was 17 once and I never got anyone pregnant.  Of course I'm not an idiot either.

    It's OK though, I bet their marriage will last until the end of time.

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