
Is human caused global warming real?

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Is human caused global warming real?




  1. NO! The science they are trying to sell you is a SHAM! GE (yes General Electric) stands to make a mint if everyone is TOLD to change their light bulbs, Al Gore is supported by GE.

  2. yes

  3. Maybe, but it is not a certainty at this time.

  4. The sun caused global warming since the beginning of time... without it we would be like pluto.

  5. Well I'm not sure if its a scientific fact but I believe so. With all the CO2 being released from industry and machines though its highly probable.

  6. yes we are the ones because animals have been here for hundreds of years-more than we have!and none of this happened way back! its because of some are technologies such as cars that you gas and electricty! electric cars are a little better though!

    100% it is our fault and we have to help save this before its too late!

  7. No. If you look at the data from ice cores over hundreds of thousands of years, not just a one hundred year sample, you'd see that there have been several periods of time where it was hotter then it was now, and after each of those periods, the world was plunged into another ice age.

  8. Global warming is caused mostly by humans but its caused by other natural stuff too... The earth goes through changes like we read when we read about the ice age... but here are some causes of global warming..

    Carbon Dioxide from Power Plants

    Carbon Dioxide Emitted from Cars

    Carbon Dioxide from Airplanes

    Carbon Dioxide from Buildings

    Nitrous oxide  


    Water Vapor in the Atmosphere Increasing


    City Gridlock

    Carbon in Atmosphere and Ocean

    These are just a few of the things that produce warming of the world..

    The carbon is making what you could say a blanket over the world and its trapping the heat.... Over the past 50 years has increased a lot.  and by the end of the cenrty go up another 9 degrees.

    This isnt my strong subject in science.. because im studying ecology.  But I hope this helped a little.

  9. yes!!!!

  10. Due to the fact that from Jan. 2007 to Jan. 2008 global mean temperature dropped .65 to .75 degrees C which eliminates most of the estimated .80 C increase we've seen in the last 100 years, I'm not sure that's the right question. This downturn in temperature is probably attributable to the reduced solar activity since solar cycle #24 began, arriving later than expected and much weaker than NASA had predicted. Or do you argue that CO2 levels are a greater source of warming than the sun? That would be a bit hard to prove since without the sun we'd all ice-skating within an hour and frozen solid within a week.

    Do we produce CO2? Yes. Is it a bad thing? Not if you're a plant or eat plants since they thrive more the higher CO2 goes. Is rising temp a problem? The last time it happened, about 1200 years ago, there was more food to eat, population grew, things changed and most of the change was for the better. When the world cooled off again 700 years ago there were seasons where the growing season was very short and countless numbers starved to death.

    I have three questions.

    Is human activity causing global warming? Nobody is sure how much of it is because of our actions, but probably some of it is.

    Is warming a bad thing? Not unless you ignore the benefits humans enjoyed the last 2 times it got warmer, see the Medieval Warm Period and the Holocene Period.

    Is CO2 as big of a problem as we're told? We're never going to see the temp increases some predict because 540 million years ago in the Cambrian Era CO2 levels were 19 times higher than today. That's around 7,000 PPM of CO2 compared to today's 383 PPM. And temp was still only about 10 degrees C above today's and there have been ice ages that had higher levels of CO2 than we have today. Look at the one that kicked off the Silurian period about 440 million years ago and CO2 levels then were at about 4200 PPM.

  11. Yes. 100% Yes.

  12. almost certainly.

  13. Considering I'm no climate expert, I'm going to leave this one to the climate scientists, and the vast majority of them say yes, it's real.

  14. there is no doubt abt it..

  15. No one really knows.  Scientists have yet to provide any proof that man is affecting the earth's climate.

    Right now, I would say that most people don't buy into the 'man-did-it' club.

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